Summary of the Old & New Testament

The entire Holy Bible is summarized with easy to read review notes and key points, useful for everyone and a resource for Bible study. Summary and key points of the Old and New Testament. - Book-by-Book.
It will not do to study the Bible only when we feel like it. It will not do to study the Bible only when we have leisure. We must have fixed principles and habits in this matter if we are to study the Bible to the greatest profit. Nothing that we do will be more important than our Bible study, and it cannot give way to other less important things. What regularity in eating is to physical life, regularity in Bible study is to spiritual life. Fix upon some time, even if it is no more than fifteen minutes to start with, and hold to it until you are ready to set a longer period.
The Important Points of the Bible are in this Review.
The 39 books of the Old Testament are reviewed in order of presentation in the Old Testament.-- Book-by-Book. The 27 books of the New Testament are reviewed in order of presentation in the New Testament - Book-by-Book.
Key points of the Old Testament
Key points of the New Testament
Old Testament Notes - Book-by-Book
New Testament Notes - Book-by-Book
Summary of the Old Testament
After Adam and Eve, the Hebrew lineage truly began with Abraham (about 1900 B.C.).
Abraham’s Personal Covenant (contract) with God (Genesis 12, 15, 17)
God said that Abraham would be the father of "many nations" and that Abraham and his descendants should circumcise the male babies on the eighth day after birth to seal the contract.
From Abraham came Isaac, then Jacob (whose name was changed to Israel), who had twelve sons, giving rise to the twelve "tribes" of Israel. One of Jacob's sons, Joseph, was sold into slavery in Egypt, leading to Jacob and his family coming to Egypt and later their descendants becoming slaves in Egypt. Moses (about 1250 B.C.) led the Exodus (freeing of Israelites from bondage) from Egypt and the Covenant of God with the Hebrew nation was made:
Hebrew People’s Covenant (Old Covenant) with God (Exodus 34:27-28)
God gave the people the Ten Commandments for the people of Israel to obey in order that He be their God.
There were constant problems with the Jewish people believing in idols and other "gods." Finally, the people reached the Promised Land and settled there after Moses' death. "Judges" led the people until about 1000 B.C. when Kings were installed, yet these were still thought of as people doing God's bidding (not as other nations' kings which had all power being theirs alone). King David and King Solomon led a united, strong country -- which became divided after Solomon's death:
Southern Kingdom - called Judah, though consisting of both the "tribes" of Judah and Benjamin; this group included the city of Jerusalem. The Southern Kingdom fell to the Babylonians in 586 B.C.
Northern Kingdom - called Israel, consisting of the other 10 "tribes"; this group included Samaria. The Northern Kingdom fell to the Assyrians around 722 B.C.
Although the Hebrews rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem in 520 B.C., they never regained strength and were eventually conquered by Rome.
The struggles of the Hebrew people and their dispersion from their country were thought to be from their belief in idols and heathen "gods" (mostly resulting from their marrying non-Jews who brought in outside religions). The prophets (including Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel) were spokesmen for God to the people and to their leaders: they often disagreed with the men in power and had no fear of expressing their messages from God -- generally directing against the idolatry and "false gods."
There are many points of wisdom (Books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job). Poems and hymns of the Hebrew people are expressed in Psalms. In the latter writings, there was a general belief in the "last days" (of the future around their time or at a time to come) and of the Messiah who would lead them with great power.
The Old Testament of the Bible covers mostly the time from around 1500 B.C. to 100 A.D. The first five books are the Pentateuch (or the Books of Moses; or the Torah) and are sacred to Jews, Christians, and Moslems.
Summary of the New Testament
Jesus Christ's life (from the virgin birth to His ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection) is the basis for the four Gospels -- the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Jesus taught to love others as much as yourself and to love God as the one and only God. Jesus performed many miracles and healings, described the Kingdom of Heaven, and told people how to live as God wished them to live. Jesus' many story-illustrations were used to direct the people with things familiar to them. Jesus selected twelve disciples (since there were 12 "tribes" of Israel) to help Him and to spread the Word of God. Conflict with religious leaders (Pharisees and Sadducees) led to His crucifixion (death on the cross) after it was approved by Roman leaders (At the time of Jesus, Rome ruled the Jewish people, who longed for freedom.). Jesus Christ's death/sacrifice led to the:
New Covenant (contract) of God with all people (Jews and Gentiles [non-Jews])
1) Written in their minds and hearts
(2) All who believe in Him are forgiven by Jesus Christ's sacrifice (by His blood)
to take away their sins.
Refer to:
- Jeremiah 31:33 (Old Testament reference)
- Matthew 26:28
- Mark 14:24
- Luke 22:20
- Romans 8:3
- Philippians 3:9
- Hebrews 8:10
- Hebrews 9:15
- Hebrews 10:9-10
Which is further described by
John 3:16 -- (from King James' Version)
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "
The requirements for Christians: are given in 1 John 3:23
"And this is His command: to believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and to love one another..."
After Christ's death and resurrection, Paul became converted to Christianity and extended the teachings to the Gentiles (Greeks, Romans, and other non-Jews), accounting for the early, rapid growth of Christianity in spite of great persecution of the believers. Jesus' death and resurrection and His expected return at the "last days" were told by Paul. Life after death was described by Paul (1 Corinthians 15:35-58), with a new, non-earthly body. The Revelation and other writings address the "last days" with Christians given life in heaven and others given to "the Lake of Fire" (hell).
The New Testament of the Bible was written around 70 to 110 A.D. The first four books of the New Testament (called the “Gospels”) tell the story of Jesus Christ – each different in its presentation and style of the writer.
Key points of the Old Testament
Key points of the New Testament
Old Testament Notes - Book-by-Book
New Testament Notes - Book-by-Book
Old Testament Notes - Book-by-Book
Genesis | Exodus | Leviticus | Numbers | Deuteronomy | Joshua | Judges | Ruth | 1 Samuel | 2 Samuel | 1 Kings | 2 Kings | 1 Chronicles | 2 Chronicles | Ezra | Nehemiah | Esther | Job | Psalms | Proverbs | Ecclesiastes | Song of Solomon | Isaiah | Jeremiah | Lamentations | Ezekiel | Daniel | Hosea | Joel | Amos | Obadiah | Jonah | Micah | Nahum | Habakkuk | Zephaniah | Haggai | Zechariah | Malachi
New Testament Notes - Book-by Book
Matthew | Mark | Luke | John | Acts | Romans | 1 Corinthians | 2 Corinthians | Galatians | Ephesians | Philippians |Colossians | 1 Thessalonians | 2 Thessalonians | 1 Timothy | 2 Timothy | Titus | Philemon | Hebrews | James | 1 Peter | 2 Peter | 1 John | 2 John | 3 John | Jude | Revelation
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