Key Points of the Old & New Testament

The entire Holy Bible is summarized with easy to read review notes and key points, useful for everyone and a resource for Bible study. Summary and key points of the Old and New Testament. - Book-by-Book.
The Important Points of the Bible are in this Review.
Key Points of the Old Testament
Key Points of the New Testament
The 39 books of the Old Testament are reviewed in order of presentation in the Old Testament.-- Book-by-Book. The 27 books of the New Testament are reviewed in order of presentation in New Testament - Book-by-Book.
Key Points of the Old Testament
The key points listed below list the chapters to read in the Bible for each point.
First Sin Story (Adam and Eve) |
Genesis 2, 3 |
Noah and his Ark |
Genesis 6-8 |
Tower of Babel (causing differing languages) |
Genesis 11 |
Abraham's Personal Covenant with God |
Genesis 12,15 & 17 |
Test of Abraham (to sacrifice Isaac) |
Genesis 22 |
Isaac's Blessing (given to Jacob, not Esau, by trickery) |
Genesis 27 |
Joseph's Coat (and his being sold to slavery in Egypt) |
Genesis 37 |
Burning Bush (God appoints Moses to lead Israel) |
Exodus 3:2-4:17 |
Passover (Israel's first-born children were saved) |
Exodus 12:21-27 |
Exodus 20-3-17; |
Jericho (walls crumble to allow Hebrew battle victory) |
Joshua 6 |
Samson and Delilah |
Judges13-16 |
David and Goliath |
1 Samuel 16,17 |
David and Bathsheba |
2 Samuel 11 |
King Solomon's Baby Decision |
1 Kings 3:16-27 |
Elijah (and his showdown with prophets of Baal) |
1 Kings 17-19 |
Elisha (and his miracles) |
2 Kings 2-7 |
Esther (saving the Jews from destruction) |
Esther |
Job (his suffering, although a good person) |
Job |
Very Famous Psalms (poems, hymns, prayers)
Points on the "last days"
- Isaiah 2,9,13,24,25,29,30,34,35,40,60,65,66
- Jeremiah 25,30,31 (the "New Covenant")
- Ezekiel 20,30,38
- Daniel 8,10,12
- Micah 4
- Zephaniah 1,2,3
- Zechariah 2,12,14
- Malachi 3,4
Points on "the Messiah"
- Isaiah 7,9,11,42,52,53
- Jeremiah 23,33
- Ezekiel 34
- Daniel 7,9
- Micah 5
- Zechariah 3,6,9,10
- Malachi 4
Key Points of the New Testament
The key points listed below list the chapters to read in the Bible for each point.
Jesus Life Story - Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
- Jesus' Birth
- Matthew 2
- Luke 2
- Jesus at Twelve Years Old
- Luke 2
- Jesus' Baptism
- Matthew 3
- Mark 1
- Luke 3
- Jesus' Transfiguration
- Matthew 17
- Mark 9
- Luke 9
- Jesus in Jerusalem
- Matthew 21
- Mark 11
- Luke 19
- Jesus' Last Supper
- Matthew 26
- Mark 14
- Luke 22
- John 13
- Jesus' Trial
- Matthew 26,27
- Mark 14,15
- Luke 22,23
- John 18,19
- Jesus' Crucifixion
- Matthew 27
- Mark 15
- Luke 23
- John 19
- Jesus' Resurrection
- Matthew 28
- Mark 16
- Luke 24
- John 20
- Jesus' Kingdom of Heaven
- Matthew 5,8,10,12,13,18,19
- Mark 4
- Luke 6,12,13,17
- Jesus' Statements on How to Live
- Matthew 5,6,7,18,23
- Mark 12
- Jesus' Story-Illustrations
- Matthew 7,13,18,20,22,23,25
- Mark 12
- Luke 8,11,12,14,15,16,18,19,20
- John 10
- Stories About Jesus
- Mark 2
- Luke 5,7,10,17,18,19
- John 2,3,4,6,9
- Lazarus Raised from the Dead
- John 11
- Jesus' Healings/Miracles
- Matthew 8,9,14,15,20
- Mark 4,5,6,7,8,10
- Luke 5,6,7,8,9,13,18
- John 4,5,6
Jesus' Other Main Points
- Matthew 11,12,16,17,20,25,26
- Mark 3,6,10,12
- Luke 12,13,14,16,17,20
- John 5,8,10,12
- Jesus' Pharisees/Sadducees Disagreements
- Matthew 12,15,22
- Mark 7,10
- Luke 5,6,11,20
- John 8
- Jesus/Disciples Interactions
- Matthew 5,6,7
- Mark 8,9,10,12,13
- Luke 6,9,10,18
- John 14,15,16,17
- Jesus' Points on the "last days"
- Matthew 24
- Mark 13
- Luke 17,21
- John 5,12
12 Disciples/Apostles:
- Matthew 10:2-4
- Luke 6:13-16
New Covenant of God with the People:- Matthew 26:28
- Mark 14:24
- Luke 22:20
- Romans 8:3
- Philippians 3:9
- Hebrews 8:10
- Hebrews 9:15
- Hebrews 10:9-10
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5,6,7
The Beatitudes - Matthew 5:3-12
The Lord's Prayer - Matthew 6:9-13
Very Often-Quoted Verse - John 3:16
"In Remembrance" of Jesus (Communion):- Matthew 26:26-29
- Mark 14:22-24
- Luke 22:19-20
- First Corinthians 10:16-17; 11:23-26
The Great Gift:- Matthew 26:6-13
- Mark 14:1-9
- John 12:1-8
"Doubting Thomas" - John 20:25-29
Jesus after Crucifixion
Acts 1
Disciples/Apostles Miracles:
Acts 9,16,20
Stephen Martyred- Acts 7
Paul's Way to Pray - -Ephesians 5:20
Paul's Dead-to-Life Questions (Seed Yields Plant):
1 Corinthians 15:35-58
Paul's Christian Soldiers
- Ephesians 6:10-17
- First Thessalonians 5:8
Famous Statements from Paul
- Romans 8:31
- First Corinthians 10:31
- First Corinthians 13:13
- Galatians 6:7
- First Thessalonians 5:1-2
- Second Timothy 4:7
Conversion of Saul (renamed Paul) to Christianity
- Acts 9,22
Paul's Ministry and Growth of Christianity
- Main Points
- Romans (main Christian thoughts) 5,6,8,11,12,13,14,15
- First Corinthians 7,8,10,11,14,15
- Second Corinthians 3,5
- Galatians 2,5,6
- Ephesians 5,6
- First Timothy 2
- Paul's Points on the "last days"
- Romans 11
- First Corinthians 1,7,10,15
- Ephesians 1
- First Thessalonians 4,5
- Second Thessalonians 1,2
- Paul's Other Points
- First Corinthians 6,10,11,12,13,16
- Second Corinthians 5,7
- Ephesians 4
- Philippians 3,4
- Colossians 1,2,3
- First Thessalonians 4,5
- First Timothy 6
- Paul's Predestination Beliefs
- Romans 8,9
- First Corinthians 1,2
- Ephesians 1
Jesus Likened to Melchizedek - Hebrews 7:24-25
Command for Christians - 1 John 3:23
God is Love - 1 John 4:8,9
Description of John's Vision of the "last days"- Revelation- Judgment: Revelation 20:11-15
- New Jerusalem (i.e., Heaven): Revelation 21,22
Further Points on the "last days."
2 Peter 3
The Old Testament of the Bible covers mostly the time from around 1500 B.C. to 100 A.D. The first five books are the Pentateuch (or the Books of Moses; or the Torah) and are sacred to Jews, Christians, and Moslems.
The New Testament of the Bible was written around 70 to 110 A.D. The first four books of the New Testament (called the “Gospels”) tell the story of Jesus Christ – each different in its presentation and style of the writer.
Summary of the Old Testament
Summary of the New Testament
Old Testament Notes - Book-by-Book
New Testament Notes - Book-by-Book
Old Testament Notes - Book-by-Book
Genesis | Exodus | Leviticus | Numbers | Deuteronomy | Joshua | Judges | Ruth | 1 Samuel | 2 Samuel | 1 Kings | 2 Kings | 1 Chronicles | 2 Chronicles | Ezra | Nehemiah | Esther | Job | Psalms | Proverbs | Ecclesiastes | Song of Solomon | Isaiah | Jeremiah | Lamentations | Ezekiel | Daniel | Hosea | Joel | Amos | Obadiah | Jonah | Micah | Nahum | Habakkuk | Zephaniah | Haggai | Zechariah | Malachi
New Testament Notes - Book-by Book
Matthew | Mark | Luke | John | Acts | Romans | 1 Corinthians | 2 Corinthians | Galatians | Ephesians | Philippians |Colossians | 1 Thessalonians | 2 Thessalonians | 1 Timothy | 2 Timothy | Titus | Philemon | Hebrews | James | 1 Peter | 2 Peter | 1 John | 2 John | 3 John | Jude | Revelation
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