Practical Bible Study Guides
Helping Young Adults & Teens To Grow Spiritually

Introduction to God's Plan
God's Simple Plan of Salvation Study Guide is designed for those searching for life's questions, new to the Bible or are a New Christian.
God's Plan For You ... Are you searching for Answers? This study guide is for those that are curious or are searching. Want to know the purpose of your life and what leads to true fulfillment.
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Learning About Christianity
New Christians Study Guide is for every one that feels that need and that draw, and it's a longing that can't be filled by money, material possessions, success or anything else on this earth even religion cannot fill this void.
This Study guide is specifically designed for New Believers, it covers the basic of the Christian Faith and living a life honoring to God.
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Growing In My Spiritual Life
Spiritual Maturity Study Guide. Answering the Question: How can I grow in my spiritual life?
We answer questions like: How can you be spiritually healthy? What is the meaning of spiritual growth? How can I grow in my spiritual life?
Therefore, we must always seek to progress in our spiritual lives; otherwise, we will be spiritually declining.
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Gospel of John Study Guide
Knowing God Better - Knowing Yourself Better
You will be surprised at the life-altering changes that will happen in your life as you develop an essential habit of reading God's Word every day.
Recommend starting at the Gospel of John with reading a chapter a day along with the Gospel of John Study Guide.
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Encouraging Daily Devotionals
Refresh Yourself - Renew Your Spirit - Refocus Your Mind
We all know how easy it is to get caught up in the demands of life. But if we don't spend time daily in God's Word and in Prayer, we grow weak and weary.
A new devotional for each day sent by email for your encouragement and spending time in God's Word. You will find the strength, peace, and comfort you need to strengthen your walk with Christ.
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