A Guide To Comprehensive Bible Study
This more exhaustive study of the Bible, by J. W. McGarvey, was designed to afford suggestion and assistance to those who desire a fuller and more accurate knowledge of the Bible. Recommend for anyone that wants to understand each Book of the Bible and see the Bible as a whole.

Chapter 2: Divisions of the Old Testament
Chapter 3: The Original Text and Its Preservation
Chapter 4: Outline of the Pentateuch
Chapter 5: Israel's History from the Death of Moses to that of David
Chapter 6: The Reign of Solomon and the Divisions of the Kingdom
Chapter 8: The Kingdom of Judah Continued
Chapter 9: Other Pre-Exilian Prophetic Books
Chapter 10: The Poetical Books
Chapter 11: The Books of Exile
Chapter 12: The Post-Exilic Books
Chapter 13: Divisions of the New Testament
Chapter 14: The Gospels and Acts
Chapter 15: The Epistles of Paul
Chapter 16: The General Epistles and Revelation
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