Discover Life with God

You can walk on the adventure side of life and be an individual God selects, or you can close the door and close your life to experiences and memories.

The ironic thing is that in the midst of difficult, heart-wrenching circumstances, we find Him in a more profound way than ever before.

Discover God's Adventure
Living God's Adventure

Steps to Living God’s Adventure
Discover God's AdventureEvery significant event that happened in the Bible occurred because somebody said “YES” to God. Noah, Moses, David, Esther, and Peter had great adventures with our Lord. It all happened when they each said yes to God. Saying yes to God can start a progression of favor from him and lead to a fantastic adventure in your life, just like it did with the saints of old.

Listen for His Call
To say yes to God, we need to be willing to listen for his call. Psalm 46:10 says,Be still, and know that I am God.” Sometimes we are a casualty of our mortgage paying, cell phone ringing, email chiming, iTunes playing, TV blaring, tweet-happy world. Sometimes we need just to be still so we can have a chance to hear God invite us to do something.

Choose to Say Yes
Saying yes to God is an act of your will to use your God-given gifts to affect others. It is an action, a choice followed by movement, a decision resulting in moving feet. Too often we are unwilling to jump into life-changing opportunities that God has put right in our path.

Take the First Step
Taking Baby StepsTurning the corner from recognizing God’s call to actually saying yes and doing something involves taking the first step. God often requires us to take the first step of obedience before his supernatural power kicks in to accomplish through us what he chooses. Sometimes taking the smallest step in God’s direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Make it a baby step if you must, but take that first step.

Rely on the Lord
And the Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand (Psalm 37:23–24). You can be assured that the Lord will make firm your first step. When you make that first move, he will see to it that although you may stumble, you will not fall. He will be right there beside you with your hand in His.

Step Outside of Your Comfort ZoneStart Living the Adventure
Will you have serious regrets at the end of your life because you were too mesmerized by comfort, safety, and the status quo to say yes to God?

Start Living the Adventure of “Yes” and Never Look Back.
No matter where you are in life, if you’re reading this, it’s not too late to say yes to God’s call on your life. Get some clarity on what God wants you to do and jump on in with everything you’ve got; you will never regret it!

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Discover ...I Choose Thankful
