


Social JusticeSocial Justice
Two Week Reading Plan 38

Social justice has its biblical roots in a triune God who again and again shows his love and compassion for the weak, the vulnerable, the marginalized, the disenfranchised, the disinherited.

Biblical references to the word “justice” mean “to make right.” Justice is, first and foremost, a relational term — people living in right relationship with God, one another, and the natural creation. From a scriptural point of view, justice means loving our neighbor as we love ourselves and is rooted in the character and nature of God. As God is just and loving, so we are called to do justice and live in love.

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Social Justice

Day        Book Chapter         Chapter Title
Day 1     Exodus 3                  God hears the cries of the slaves.
Day 2     Leviticus 25              The Year of Jubilee, a time of economic revolution.
Day 3     Ruth 2                       A poor woman finds help.
Day 4     1 Kings 21                Elijah speaks to a land-grabbing, murderous king.
Day 5     Nehemiah 5             Nehemiah demands justice for the poor.
Day 6     Isaiah 5                     Warning to fun-loving materialists.
Day 7     Isaiah 58                   Worship that God appreciates.
Day 8     Jeremiah 34              Freedom for slaves.
Day 9     Amos 2                      Sins against God by his own people.
Day 10   Amos 6                     Warning to the complacent.
Day 11   Micah 6                    What the Lord requires.
Day 12   Luke 3                      John the Baptist tells how to prepare for Jesus.
Day 13   Matthew 6               Jesus speaks on material things.
Day 14   James 2                   How to treat the rich and the poor.

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Recommend Bible Study Methods
Free Study Guides here.
Study God's Word here.
Overview of the Bible here.
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Topical Reading Methods here.
Themes of the Bible Books here.
Bible Chapter Study Methods here.
10 Creative Bible Reading Methods here.

Tips on Reading the Bible Daily
1. Start reading the Bible today -- there is no better time, and there's no reason to wait. Set aside a specific time each day. Set your schedule and then stick to it. Mornings are great, but feel free to use any time that works consistently for you.
2. Read the Bible for the sake of learning, not simply to accomplish your next reading. Say a short prayer to God before you begin, asking the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding, then be refreshed by the words you read!
3. Highlight verses, take notes and bookmark your Bible!


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