One Live Can Change The World!

We do this by living the Gospel, growing the follower, serving our community, reaching the lost, and fellowshipping with the body of Christ.




How To Passionately Share A Believable Gospel Effectively And Clearly With A Stranger or Unbeliever. While Confidently Using Simple Practical Presentation Tools With Conviction By The Holy Spirit In Love, Gentleness, and Respect.


In Philippians 2:19, Paul, while imprisoned in Rome concerned for the Philippian church's spiritual condition, sent Timothy to encourage them. In Philippians 2:20, "I have no one like him (Timothy), who will show genuine concern for your welfare." (Pause and Think About It.) What a sad statement to say! At that time, the church multiplied with many Godly leaders. But Paul says I have no one like Timothy who wants to share Christ genuinely. In Philippians 2:21, Paul says, "For everyone looks out for their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ." Paul is saying everybody is out for themselves except Timothy.

Ask yourself where are the TIMOTHY'S IN OUR CHURCHES TODAY! Are you a Timothy or want to be a Timothy? By studying how to be a soul-winner, the answer is yes. You do not have to be perfect, and you will get frustrated at times. Our prayer should be, "Lord, I want to have a servant's heart like Timothy. Lord, I do not want to focus only on myself, the future, or the world spinning out of control. Let me be a Timothy and be a servant and have the mind of Christ." Encourage you to be a Timothy in your church and area. God has no limits for you as YOU SURRENDER TO HIM!

Recognize this central truth: Lost people behave like they are lost because they are lost. It is not our place to condemn the lost or to argue like an attorney. Our primary role is to share the Gospel lovingly and to be an eyewitness of how God has worked in our lives. It is the person's responsibility to accept or reject Jesus. Our responsibility rests in responsibly sharing the Gospel with the lost, speaking God's Word in Love and Compassion. LOST-PERSON.JPG

Stop and contemplate the above statements. (Pause, Think, Consider, and Reflect!)


God can use you to change the world.

In my heart of hearts, I genuinely believe when someone asks Christ as their personal Savior and Lord, the above statements are at least in some part their hearts desire at the very least at first. To summarize the above, the most asked question we get is:" I miraculously started searching Jesus teachings, accepted Jesus in my life, found a local church and attend every Sunday. My life changed for the good, and I started reading the Bible and wanted to share this fantastic Good news."

This is the crucial part. We get emails from new Christians saying I know I need to talk about Jesus to my family, friends, and strangers to share how my life has changed dramatically. But I am afraid when I get questions and comments from people. I do not have the answers. Where do I begin, and how do I answer these common questions to the non-believers who think I might be crazy. I feel guilty to hold this incredible knowledge inside, yet I am not prepared to discuss my faith because of uncomfortable questions. Would you please help and guide me to know more and to have a solid foundation to share the Gospel? FEAR-SHARING.JPG

IS THAT YOUR DESIRE? I find there are usually three categories of Christians.
Firstly, I sincerely believe we all start at that place very excited about coming to Christ and wanting to share the Gospel. But without a lot of guidance, we can make mistakes. I know I did in a big way. But thankfully, we learn from our mistakes.

Secondly, on the other end of the spectrum, many people over time do not share and lose that initial desire to declare what Jesus has done for them by doing many other noble Christian things. It, unfortunately, becomes a normal Christian way of life. Not giving much thought to it or justifying it in our mind with keeping busy with other things. (Review Chapter 18 Mental Attitudes That Defeat Us In Soul-Winning.)

Thirdly, Christians that are excited about developing and sharing the Gospel. You have been doing these study guides for almost three weeks now. That says a lot about your determination and your love to share about Jesus. Yes, you might not be perfect. No one is. But your reason for living is to share what Jesus has done for you and to tell others. CONGRATULATIONS ON CARING ABOUT LOST SOULS! GIVE YOURSELF A BIG HUG!

I heard it many times said, sharing the Gospel message is just telling folks that Jesus loves them, bless them, and living a good life, and that is enough. That is so far from the truth. If that is you, I recommend you memorize Romans 10:14. It says, "How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?"

Today's study guide title could be "ONE LIFE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD." Yes, you can change the world by first telling your testimony and sharing the Gospel message. Question do you believe that? If yes, congratulations; the Holy Spirit will use you abundantly. If you have doubts, stop, think, meditate, and review these chapters on STEP 2: SHARING YOUR TESTIMONY.
Chapters: 8. Fruits and Gifts Of The Holy Spirit | 9. Preparation For Sharing Your Testimony 10. Presenting Your Testimony 11. Creating Your Story 12 Developing Your Testimony 13. Value Of A Personal Testimony 14. Be Relatable - Build Relationships 15. Your Story Is God's Story.

God can use you to change the world.

Absolutely God can use YOU - "one person can change the world" by the power of the Holy Spirit working in you. You might say you do not know me, my life, or what I have done. You are right, but I am not much different from you, very imperfect in many ways and really not that smart by world standards. But I have to remind myself that God used a donkey to speak to Balaam in his language in Numbers 22:21-39. (worth reading.) It is not our personality, charm, good looks, wisdom, holiness, or understanding of the scriptures. The Holy Spirit works within us to give us the right person, the right opportunity, and the right words. It is GOD WORKING IN US BY THE HOLY SPIRIT that finds and turns unsaved to Jesus.

Jokingly I tell folks I am just along for the ride as long as I commit and trust myself to the Holy Spirit each day. And when I do make mistakes or sin, I want to repent and ask the Lord to forgive me. Each of us has our own set of things that separate us from Jesus and using us to our fullest, and our enemy knows our weaknesses. In my case because I spend many hours a day (up at 4 am) working on Christian websites and answering emails. Then I see many Christian folks and some pastors golfing a lot or out for coffee, and they seem oblivious to so many hurting people in the world, and I wonder at times if they really care. When that happens, the Lord has to take me to the "woodshed" and say, do not worry about them. You got enough on your plate worrying about yourself to walk in my righteous path and do my will each day. Ouch!

D. L. Moody was the most remarkable evangelist of the 19th century, responsible for founding the Moody Bible Institute. A few years before he died, Moody wrote a letter without any punctuations, misspelled words, and no capital letters. Mr. Moody would have been laughed at in today's society with our emphasis on being slick and critique presentations. However, he bore much fruit. People heard D. L. Moody and turned to the Lord with an audience between 15,000 and 30,000 in his meetings. Yes, YOU can be used to change the world by the Holy Spirit. This ministry was started by a native man over 50 years ago, taking me a messed-up and shy individual for coffee, shared the Gospel, and giving me a Bible before he left. The seed was sown but never seen that man again to tell him.

You will have obstacles, successes, failures, comforts taken away and be disappointed in fellow Christians and imperfect Churches. But be encouraged that GOD CAN USE YOU TO CHANGE THE WORLD as He did with D. L. Moody. Our Lord can use you as we always look to the Holy Spirit for everything, not the world, friends, or material things.



Sharing the Gospel with using Gospel Tracts.

You and every person and the circumstances you meet are very different, so please find the best methods for you. This study guide will show the easiest way for brand new Christians or those unsure how to present the Gospel using Gospel Tracts.

What Are Gospel Tracts?
Any Christian can conquer the fear and worry of sharing their faith by using Gospel Tracts. Gospel tracts include the Word of God and are like a seed. When sown in an individual's heart, God can use that seed to create, produce, and develop a new life—eternal life. Because of these valuable resources, they concisely and efficiently tell of our sin and God's salvation plan. We understand that tracts aren't the only method to share your faith; however, these quiet witnesses are an exceptional tool for beginning to tell others about Jesus.

Using Gospel tracts (pocket-sized booklet) is a straightforward as the ABCs to give out freely. I would recommend this method for new Christians or anyone that is not feeling confident in sharing. Christian Book. Com and Moments With The Book offer hundreds of life-changing tracts and resources. Or you could ask to see if your church has some.

1. Tracts are willing to be sent anywhere and can work 24 hours a day,
2. They are cheap 25 tracts for $2.49 or the Four Spiritual Laws for 25 tracts for $7.99 and can be read many times over.
3. Tracts can be used without fear and helps build up your faith and confidence. It is a great way to get your "feet wet" sharing.
4. Tracts simplify and keep you on track when sharing for those new to the faith or unsure of themselves.
5. Tracts are great conversation starters. When handing out the tract and the person will ask, "what is this?" Have a prepared response for the situation.
6. Something tangible for a non-believer to take with them to read the clear Gospel message, especially if you are short on time.
7. Sharing your faith, it is hard sometimes to know what to say. A good tract makes the Gospel message clear and concise and easy to memorize to use in one-on-one conversations.
8. We are all nervous about sharing at first, and it is a great starting point.

Recommend the most well-known Gospel tract written by Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) is the "Four Spiritual Laws" illustrated here. Or best-selling Gospel tracts here for $2.00 per 20 tracts (in English, Spanish, or Bilingual.) Or popular 200 tracts assortment here for $14.99. They are excellent tools that help in sharing your faith. This tool is a simple but complete summary of the Gospel. Best selling tracts at Christian Book. Com here. It's a great conversation starter: “Have you ever seen the 4 Spiritual Laws?" (25 booklets for $7.99 USD.)

to use Gospel Tracts here.


The Do Not's and the Do's of Sharing the Gospel.

- Be awkward, scary, creepy, or a serious face. Always remember they do not know you.
- Do a last-minute handout as someone is passing you. They will freak out!
- Say, "Can I give you one?" or "would you like one of these?" A weak yes or no question will give you more "no's." Instead, use a more kind but assertive approach. A great open line is,"Have you ever seen the 4 Spiritual Laws?"

An excellent funny video of the do not's of sharing here.

- Be yourself - be normal. This demonstrates an image of confidence and makes people more likely to receive something from you.
- Present yourself being confident, joyful, making eye contact, and remember always smile.
- Use friendly, assertive one-liners like, "this is for you?" or "did you get one of these?" The recipient feels like they are missing out on something.
- A good rule of thumb is always to keep at least a couple of tracts on you in your jacket, pocket, or wallet. If you have a tract handy, it is a constant reminder of the many opportunities that come your way throughout a day to witness.
- There are thousands of ways and places to hand out tracts. Please keep it simple, but always use common sense reading the situation.
- IMPORTANT always offer follow-up, do not leave them hanging. On the tract have contact information or a resource that the person can contact if they have questions, or want prayer, or follow up. In most cases would not recommend putting your contact information on it. Instead, you could ask your pastor to use the church contact info or another ministry. There is usually a spot on the back of a tract to write contact information. You are also welcome to use our website as a contact on your tracts as our site is designed for those searching, hurting, or newly saved to contact us on any life issue or questions.

I do recommend using the "Four Spiritual Laws." It's a great conversation starter: "Have you ever seen the 4 Spiritual Laws?" (25 booklets for $7.99 USD.)

The easiet way to share the Gospel with  Gospel tracts.

Leave cards or gospel tracts on tables when you eat in restaurants.
Leave gospel tracts in bus stops, laundry mats, restrooms, etc.
Insert gospel tracts in letters to friends, neighbors.
You can leave gospel tracts almost any were.
(Please use common sense.)

This 3-minute video explains how effective Gospel tracts are

You are not directly teaching yet (just utilizing "indirect" teaching methods, techniques, and approaches), but you are starting to face people. An excellent example of how this can be done:
Give a tract to a friend or acquaintance and say,
"This is a brief explanation of the Gospel of Christ. We've known each other for a time now, and I would like for you to read this and inform me what you think."

Or also, in talking to someone that is interested or has seen a change in your life. You can follow along with them by reading a salvation Gospel tract.

You can present a person how to receive Christ in a short period of time with tracts. It begins with a positive affirmation – God loves you. It certainly shows how to receive Christ. It builds self-confidence, and you understand what you're going to say before you speak it. And most vital, it is a transferable method for teaching others to witness. Anyone can use it, and it is one of the easiest ways to present the Gospel to a non-Christian, visually reading and seeing the illustrations. And if you are new at sharing your faith, it will keep you focused on the step-by-step approach and not getting sidetracked.

PRINT OUT YOUR OWN FREE GOSPEL TRACTS (For those on a budget or with no access to tracts.)

Souls For Christ Ministries - Printable free tracts here. Souls for Christ Minstries tracts

Bible Truth Publishers - Printable free tracts here. Bible Truth Publishers free printable tracts.

Steps To Peace With God - created by the Billy Graham Evanelistic Organization here. Steps to Peace with God Download

Romans Road - 4 Tracts or 4 Bookmarks - Printable free tracts here. Download /romans-road-tract-bookmark-

Romans Road - 4 Tracts or 4 Bookmarks (KJV) - Printable free tracts here. Romans Road - 4 Tracts or Bookmarks  King James Version  download  for prinitng.





to Salvation Tract Booklet

The Romans Road to Salvation Tract Booklet here. Romans Road to Salvation Tract Booklet dowload or print.
Instructions On How To Fold The Romans Road To Salvation Tract Into A Booklet To Give Away here.
The booklet will be (4.25 x 3.75 in.) in size with 8 small booklet pages using one (8.5 x 11 in.) using printing paper.
1st - Fold the paper in half lengthways (11 in.)
2nd - Starting at the marked FRONTpicture fold on the crease to halfway between B and C.
3rd - Take C and fold backwards to the right with the front page facing you.
4th - Take D and fold towards C - You have FINISHED your own Christian booklet tract to give away.

PRINT OR DOWNLOAD THE SALVATION BOOKLET TRACT HERE. Download or  print Salvation Booklet Tract

Printing Instructions for single-sided and double-sided printers here.
(Important for printing under scale settings, use Fit to Printable Area and flip on short edge in printer settings.)


There is a Romans Road that leads to Heaven clearly marked in the Book of Romans in the New Testament in your Bible. The Romans Road is the most used method and probably the best known for presenting the Salvation plan. From Chapter 19, Sharing Using The Romans Road, we have eleven different ways of sharing here.

Give out good Gospel  Tracts.
If you are going to pick your own or make a Gospel tract, you need one that delivers the Gospel message. Here are some suggestions:
Make sure it has an eye-catching front and back cover to catch people's attention.
- Attention-grabbing title or question. People do judge a book or a tract by its cover. It is helpful to have an exciting and inquisitive question or title to make people curious about what is inside.
- Short tracts are the best using only a few words.
- This should be a no-brainer; the tract should preach the Gospel. Some key points the tract covers should be: God's justice, man's sinfulness, Jesus died on the cross and Salvation through faith and repentance.
- Tract should always use scripture - the Word of God to do the job. Do not tell the Gospel in someone's own words.

Those on a budget can make 3 X 5 Cards with the verses on them. If you prefer not to use a tract, you can look up the scripture verses, mark them in your Bible, and read them together. Make sure they read the words for themselves, whether silently or out loud.

To Creat a Outline  Card in Microsoft Word.

Using 3 x 5 index cards, write the verse on one side and where it is found on the other side. As you discover your verses, attempt quoting them as often as feasible, and also, you will undoubtedly implant them a lot more firmly in your mind. It is well claimed that "practice makes perfect."

If you have your 3 x 5 index cards convenient, you can profit time that probably you would certainly or else throw away waiting on a bus or for an appointment, and so on.

Example 3 X 5 blank index card here. Buy index cards at any dollar store or Walmart. Instructions on how to create an outline card for yourself here.

1. Mark your Bible pages you want to look up with Post Its. Number them 1, 2, 3, and so on.
2. In your, Bible highlight the verse using a colored marker, so it's easy to find. (Would recommend picking one color for Salvation verses.)
3. Underline a keyword or two to guide and give emphasis to your discussion.
4. Write down close to that verse in the Bible margin what the following verse reference is. Recommend finding a few verses from each area below and mark them in your Bible or have them memorized.
5. You can also write out on 3 by 5 cards with the verse's location on one side and the verse on the other side for reference. As you study, memorize the suggestion of salvation verses in a brief outline form, maybe just seven points. For instance, this 3 X 5 example index card on how to share the Gospel here.

link to

7 Romans Road Salvation Verses.

Recommend using 7 verses to share the Gospel. Print out this sharing card here.

This will be extremely valuable when you share, not that you will quote it precisely as you witness, but your thoughts will then be free to start right in with the Gospel even when you are nervous and a bit shy and may perhaps otherwise be caught tongue-tied for lack of quickly knowing what to say. Memorizing the main points of what you want to address has been a successful procedure in a business where person-to-person contact is required in any type of sales or persuasion. The soul-winner should use any Scriptural methods and techniques that work as an aid in his witnessing.

How to Share the Gospel by asking, "How are You?"
The simplest method of sharing the Gospel is by asking the question, "How are you?" They will most likely answer, "Good, how about you?" Next, say, "Better than I deserve." Or if you are like me, more conservative, I respond with enthusiasm "EXCELLENT," and usually their response is 'WHY?" They will be a bit surprised and will nearly for sure ask why you say that. This will undoubtedly open a door for you to share your testimony and the "Good News," using a Four Spiritual Law tract).

Go and pray, in the power of the Holy Spirit, and trust the outcome to God, "For we are co-workers in God's service;"(1 Corinthians 3:9).

Today's world is a world of "everything goes;" however, God's voice can still be heard. That voice speaks to rebellious and defiant hearts, revealing that they are a sinner in need of a Savior. That is where Gospel tracts can play an effective, active, and influential role. The Lord can utilize a single tract as a voice of testimony and testament to His Word.

Christians of all ages have started regularly sharing their faith by using Gospel tracts. With tract evangelism, Christians no longer struggle with beginning a spiritual discussion, and they no longer feel the pressure and stress of needing to say all the right and ideal words.

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" (Isaiah 6:8).


"Nothing outperforms a tract for sowing the seed of the Good News." –
Billy Graham.

"When preaching and one on one conversations are not available, you need to have a good tract ready. Get excellent striking tracts or none at all. A valuable Gospel tract may be the seed of eternal life. Thus do not go out without your tracts. If we have done nothing for Christ, let each of us begin to do something now. The sharing of tracts is the first thing." – Charles Spurgeon.

"The basic tract may be the stone in David's sling. In the hand of Christ, it may bring down a giant's soul." – Robert Murray M'Cheyne. 

George Whitefield, a famous preacher of the Great Awakening, was saved by reading a Gospel tract? After reading it, Mr. Whitefield wrote, "God showed me I must be born again or be damned."

Hudson Taylor, a great missionary to China, was also saved by reading a tract.

God used a Gospel tract that led the founder of  Stand to Reason Greg Koukl, to Christ. He has stated that "some courageous soul put it in the bottom of his grocery bag while checking out."

There are lots of great gospel tracts available for every occasion possible. You'll want to find one or two you personally feel comfortable giving out and talking about. I like the shorter tracts simply because they are more likely to be read. You can buy Gospel Tracts at Moments With The Book here or Christian Book. Com here.


Front Side of Questions God Business Card

In case you are running out of time, or they have had enough. Try and make another time to talk about what the next steps are. If that is not possible, get their email address and send them a link to Or if they are still searching, send by email a Knowing God Personally.pdf, or send the Next Step For New Christians.pdf to them if they accepted Christ.

We have Printable Questions God. Com handout cards that make eight individual cards to give out. When the new Christian or non-believer has to leave, encourage them to visit Questions God. Com give them one Questions God. Com business card. Choose from 8 front-side handout cards or 8 backside handout cards or a 8 front and backside two-sided handout cards printing both sides. Use your printer or any printing shop business like Staples. If possible, we recommend printing using a glossy heavy-weight paper, ideally a 67 lb weight, and then taking the PDF handout card on a flash drive to any local print shop.


Back Side of Questions God Business Card

Excellent to use when you have a short time frame when sharing or when you are finished sharing. Many churches give them out to their congregation as a source to grow spiritually, especially in third-world countries where many folks cannot afford a Bible or are far away from a local church but have a cell phone to go on the internet.

Vistaprint is an online print shop that you can upload on the internet. Download using only this front page image and back page image, save the two images, and then upload the pictures on Vistaprint for approximately $25.00 for 100 business cards.

Interestingly most folks search the internet first before even feeling comfortable starting a spiritual conversation or going to a church for the first time. Remember, millions of people each day will feel safe searching for truth at home online first. Another excellent site I would recommend is Every Student. Com they also have a handout card here. This site is translated into 45 languages and has over 200,000 visits a day, with nearly 400 people receiving Christ each day. A great way of sharing the Gospel online for those searching for truth in the safety of their own home. Especially in a lot of situations when you do not have much time to share with a stranger.

Respond With :
"I know an excellent website, Questions God. Com that helps find answers to life questions." OR
"I know a website that seeks to help people with their questions about life and God." I talked briefly, then give them a card, saying here is their website address. (Give them the front or back or double-sided handout card.)
Or - For those struggling with life's difficult circumstances, this might be a great help at Questions God. Com and give them the handout card saying here is their website.
Or - If you have no access to a printer or a print shop. Have typed or written out on a piece of paper or index card looking similar to this?
Or - If nothing else fits the situation, give them a link to our 24-hour worldwide Christian chat line at

Using Church Bulletins:
Generally, church bulletins keep everyone informed of what's going on in the church and consist of lists of current and upcoming events, contact information, and some notes about the sermon. Bulletins might also provide information for visitors, the church's name and website, what to expect, times, classes. Great for handing out to individuals that are looking for a church. Some churches have apps to download the above information also.

God's Word is powerful, and God's Word consistently changes peoples' hearts and minds! We often make the mistake of trying to deliver the Gospel without actually going to scripture. We believe the lie that people won't appreciate scripture until they know Christ.

challenge.jpg in Mailchimp
So Here's An Evangelism Challenge!
Look for opportunities to share one verse with people you cross paths with within the next few weeks! You could share a verse that God has been using in your life and tell a non-Christian friend or co-worker what you've been learning. You could share an encouraging verse with a non-Christian friend or co-worker going through a hard time. You could also transition to a Bible verse in conversation with a stranger and see where that leads. Remember always carry a Gospel tract with contact information on the back to leave for them to follow up with reading at home in a safe environment. Or the very least have written down an excellent Christian website for those searching or new Christians as Questions God. Com or their single or double-sided business card here.

If possible, give them a Devotional Bible for $3.99 in a translation they can understand. Or a cheaper paperback Bible for $1.99 or a New Testament Outreach paperback for $1.49.

21 Day Challenge
Sharing our faith is among our urgent calls as followers of Jesus. Discover the heart of evangelism as well as exciting techniques you can utilize to help you reach others for Christ.

