Start Creating your Story (Tesimony)



Sharing your Individual Story Of Faith In Jesus Christ.

We are honored and thrilled that you have expressed an interest in sharing your story. This is your testimony of how you came to accept Jesus Christ and His sacrificial death on the cross as repayment for your sin and the means for you to have a personal relationship with God. Please take some time to start your rough outline on how you came to know Jesus Christ as your Savior.

A Samaritan woman had an interaction with Jesus in John 4:4-42. She becomes persuaded that He is the Lord and goes to her city to tell others about Jesus. The result is in verse 39, "Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in Him because of the woman's testimony." This is just one example in the Bible of individuals sharing their testimony of meeting the Savior. You might feel that this woman's story is more impressive than your own, but let that not be discouraging. The reality is that many people are not living significantly sinful and wicked ways of life before coming to faith in Jesus Christ. Inform folks the way Christ changed your life. Everybody's testimony is powerful and effective because it is your story about moving from death to life.


Poer of a Testimony.

Giving your testimony is a way to share the Gospel with others by explaining your personal salvation experience. It presents others with an instance of how God altars and transforms lives. It is one of the most efficient and reliable ways of sharing your faith. Although an individual can reject that Jesus alone offers salvation, they cannot deny the truth and reality that you've discovered a reason to place your hope and faith in Christ.

It is essential to learn how to share your testimony in 3 to 4 minutes, given that you can't share it quickly; you will not share it very often. After discovering how to share it promptly, you will see new opportunities to share the Gospel. You will, in some cases, find yourself in a situation where you can invest more than 3 minutes, but it is straightforward to broaden upon the story after you have it down to its key points.

A Christian teacher said, "Despite the intellectual discussions for the existence of God, still the most effective argument of all is a changed life." The example of your changed life will generally do more to "pull" an individual toward Jesus than anything else. Nevertheless, it is insufficient for people to see you are different—they need to know why. "For that, you need to speak."

Once you've listened and sensed a person knows you are on their side, please give them your testimony. Your personal story is a hundred times more powerful than telling them the "theology" of Christianity alone. Recommend reading a Biblical testimony by Paul the Apostle in Acts 22:3-21.

IMPORTANT: For the next few study guides start creating your rough draft testimony using: THREE SEPARATE SHEETS OF PAPER labeled one BEFORE, one HOW, and one AFTER.


Share the Gospel- Method 1 ..


Be ready to do this no longer than 3 to 4 minutes; tell them about these three areas:

1. Your Background (1 Minute) - Example: Acts 22:3-5

  1. A. You can discuss numerous things here, such as your life story in a nutshell, what you used to think of God before turning to God, and so on. You need enough background details to convey who you were or are.
  1. B. If you accepted Christ at a younger age, you might have difficulty thinking about what to say here, mainly if you can't ever recall not being a Christian. If this is your situation, talk about how you grew up, your family, the wrong choices you made, etc.

2. Accepting Christ (1-2 Minutes)

    A. Example: Acts 22:6-16. Keep in mind how Paul reveals that Jesus is Lord (vs. 8), which he needed and required to be forgiven of his sins and call on Christ's name (vs. 16).
  1. B. This is an effective and vital method of introducing the Gospel to somebody. After listening about your transformation to accepting Jesus, the listener ought to know how to turn and rely on Christ themselves.

A couple of things need to be discussed here:

- God created us to be with God and have eternal life.
- Sin separates and divides us from God and eternal life (Isaiah 59:2).
- God loved you and me so much that He enables us to have fellowship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 1:9).
- This fellowship is acquired by responding to Jesus' Lordship Romans 10:9; "If you declare with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
Believe in His death and resurrection.


3. Life With Christ (Usually 1-2 Minutes)

Using the example in Acts 22:17-21.
A. Briefly describe how your life has been different after asking Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and discuss your hope in Christ.

B. When you finish, bring the topic of your conversation back to the individual. You coud ask, "Has something like that ever taken place for you?" If they answer, "No," you can say, "Would you want it too?" No matter what they say, it would be best to get them to think of their need for Christ.

Share the Gospel- Method  2


Put Your Story Together In Logical Order

Let's have a look at how to put your story organized and well-balanced, point by point. 

In method two, there are five essential parts to your story
1. The Introduction.
2. Your Life Before Christ.
3. How You Came To Christ.
4. Your Life Story After Christ.
5. The Closing.

1. The Introduction (The Opening)
Determine a THEME you can utilize to form your story. What did your life focus around (e.g., friendships, reputation, credibility, money) that God used to bring you to Him? In brief, illustrate how that influenced your life.

2. Before You Came to Christ: (1 minute)
Create a picture of what your life resembled before you came to Christ. Don't obsess excessively or boast about past sins, struggles, and battles. Share only the details that connect to your theme just enough to reveal your need for Christ.

What was your life like before you accepted Jesus?
Here are some example words to show your life before Christ.
Empty, overwhelmed, lonely, frustrated, alone, futile, lacking importance, without goals or significance, prosperous but still unhappy and not satisfied?

Crucial: As practical, relate and reveal your story to what you understand about the unbeliever's story.

3. How You Came To Christ: (1-2 minutes)
Describe how and why you became a Christian. It is vital to connect so that the individual you are speaking with can understand and know how to become a Christian by explaining the Gospel to draw and pull that individual to God utilizing your story.

Use some of these questions in creating your story.
How did you come to proclaim faith in Jesus?
Where and possibly when?
Who presented you the way?
Why did you respond and obey?
Make sure to discuss conviction of your sins, a need and a longing for truth, understanding and knowing who Christ is, repentance and remorse, and faith and confidence in Jesus.

4. Your Life After You Came To Christ: (1 -2 minutes)
Share specific changes Christ has made in your life as they connect to your theme. Highlight the changes in your character, mindset, attitude, or perceptions, not just minor changes in behavior and habits. Be authentic, practical, and genuine. We still have a hard time as Christians, and life is far from ideal; however, what's unique about your life today?

Share a few of the changes that Christ has done in your life since?
Ideally, pick areas that have changed, which relate to the unbeliever's struggles.

Then bring the conversation back to the listener.
Ask the question:
"Has anything at all like that ever occurred to You?"
If they say, "No," you can state, "Would you like to have a relationship with God's Son?"
Regardless of what you say, it would be best to get them to think of their need for Christ.

5. The Closing - Wrapping Up
Be aware and use Godly wisdom in how the person is responding to your presentation. Finish with a statement that sums up your story and relates everything back to your theme. If you prefer, close with a Bible verse that connects to your experience and subject theme.


Proof of a Changed Life Because of Jesus Christ.
A lot of things have changed and transformed in your life. A few of these changes are visible to others; others are internal. Use keywords as a springboard to describe your life, experiences, and evidence that your life has changed. This shows that those who become Christians become a new person in Christ. They are no longer the same, for the old life is gone, and a brand-new life has begun!


Important Challenge is write out and memorize Your Story

If you intend to get determined about sharing Christ with individuals (or already are), don't just wing it. Take some time and write out your story and memorize a three-minute testimony and practice, practice, and practice. Practice using a mirror, a device to tape your voice, or on a Christian friend. If your favorite sports hero did not practice, we know what would happen.

Choose words that reveal emotions, "An effective word presented is the best word to use."

Write Your First Draft.

Name _____________________________      Date: _______________




Writing My Faith Story (Word) (PDF)

My Faith Story Questions (Word) (PDF)



When Should I Share My Story

1. Share when you see someone can benefit from your testimony. Examples: someone hurting,  struggling, asking questions, looking for answers, or just curious. Be sensitive to following and trusting the Holy Spirit's leadership when talking to people. If possible, do a follow-up in the next few days.

2. Be adaptable and resourceful in a one-on-one conversation to friends, family, strangers, or small groups. Be prepared to share in any situation.

3. Share your story with courage, joy, assurance, and trusting God will use your testimony for His glory.

4. You might not see the instant results from your sharing, but you are planting a seed for later conversion. The Holy Spirit gives growth to the seed (the lost soul.)


You cannot show the existence of God; however, you don't need to. Let Jesus do that for Himself. If Jesus, once comprehended and recognized, doesn't draw them, absolutely nothing you will do will draw them either. Inform what Jesus has carried out in your life. Develop a connection and a relationship. Be relatable and recommend Jesus. However, please do not ARGUE about Christianity. That would be a waste of time, and nothing good would come of it. Finish with, "If you ever have any questions or thoughts, please let me know."


10 Guidelines For Telling Your Story


When you explain your story, God is in control of changing an individual's heart. You are just called to be ready and prepared to share what God has carried out in your life. No matter how straightforward or complex, your testimony is meant to be spoken and help present people to Jesus. (John 4:29,39). If you've ever felt anxious, worried, or unsure about sharing your story, here are some suggestions that can help you take that action of faith.

1. You Have God's Power
The Holy Spirit provides us the power to become His witnesses. "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8).

You don't need to summon up courage and even be an excellent speaker,  simply be truthful and sincere about who Christ is and what He's carried out in your life.

"And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.  I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God's power." (1 Corinthians 2:1-5).

2. God Wants To Use You (2 Corinthians 5:20)
He welcomes you to be part of other individuals' spiritual journeys to faith. Your story might help connect someone to Jesus. A stranger was the first to present the Gospel to me. You may never know what a short conversation can do in an individual's life.

3. Everyones's On A Life Journey (Acts 17:26-27)
Don't allow presumptions to keep you from sharing your testimony. God is always at work in the lives of others. You can't tell whether somebody is going toward or apart from Him based merely on outward signs.

4. Be Prepared And Organized (1 Peter 3:15)
The Scriptures say always be ready and prepared to present a reason for the hope you have in Christ. One excellent way to prepare yourself is to create and write out your spiritual story (your testimony) beforehand.

5. IMPORTANT: Practice, Practice, Practice
After creating and writing your story, practice it out loud several times. Try recording or videoing yourself on a device. Time it, aiming for about three minutes. Present your testimony while looking at yourself in a mirror. Make sure what you've said is clear. Practice on a Christian friend.

6. Prayer
Ask God to bring somebody to your mind — a friend, a family member, an acquaintance, neighbor, or a stranger you met— who doesn't yet know and recognize God. After that, pray for God to attract that person to Himself.

Ask God to guide you to see and take the opportunities He gives to share your story. He might provide you that opening in a day-to-day conversation, or you can establish a time to talk to someone.

7. Ask Permission To Share Your Story
Before you start to share your story, ask if it is okay to share. You might say, "Can I tell you a little bit regarding my spiritual experience?' Or "Can I tell you about my spiritual journey?"

8. Be A Good And Effective Listener
Sharing your story is not suggested to be a one-way discussion. It's an opportunity for you to listen, pay attention, and be interested in the individual's story.

Asking questions is one excellent method to do this. Consider these:

  • "What was your religious history as a youngster?"
  • "What have you tried out in your spiritual experiences since then?"
  • "Where are you currently in your spiritual walk?"

9. Leave The OutcomeTo God
Share your testimony in the power of the Holy Spirit, as well as leaving the outcome to God. Regardless of how somebody responds and reacts, keep praying for them. You do not know and understand how the Lord will move in somebody's life later on.

10. Keep In Mind (Ephesians 2:4-5)
Sharing your story isn't a job to be completed. It has to do with the individual you are speaking to — somebody that God loves and wants to be in a relationship with.

Who has God given to you to share your testimony? Please do it today! Pray for opportunities and share your story with those individuals this week.

Hopefully, you are still doing your three rough copies by adding thoughts or questions from today's lesson.

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