"Helping People Encounter The Love of God"




In a research study done, the issue was asked: "What was responsible for you coming to Christ and getting established in a local Church?" 79% of the people said a good friend or relative presented the Gospel.

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"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation..." (Isaiah 52:7). The Bible states the feet of those who bring the G

Intimadeted on sharing the Gospel

If we are honest, the act of searching out people and telling them about the Gospel is an intimidating experience. Even the tremendous apostle Paul was faint of heart and trembling knees when he first entered the city of Corinth for what lay ahead in regarding of preaching and individual sharing the Gospel. "I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling." (1 Corinthians 2:3).

Research studies reveal that everyone's greatest fear and worry is public speaking (not flying in an aircraft). Next is talking about the Gospel to somebody who isn't a follower has to be near the top of the worry and fear list. Supporting proof is supplied by the truth that so few Christian believers get their feet going and their lips moving with God's Salvation message. Few of us personally share the Gospel, offering the rationale, "I witness by my life, not by sharing and preaching to others the good news of Jesus Christ!"

In attempting to get rid of these and other comparable issues, these study guides are based upon the following. If individuals can be effectively inspired and keep a favorable viewpoint, they will do whatever they can in soul winning, both now and in the future.

To be successful at sharing the Gospel, do these study guides daily and leave time to read, meditate, and put into practice what you learn. Recommend you save each study

Sharing your faith is like climbing a steep mountain.

Without Step 1- Sharing - Preparation to Development, you will not be successful in your sharing and end up getting discouraged and quitting. In the next few days, we will be looking at Step 1 preparation.

These three steps can be compared to climbing a mountain as in the picture.
Step 1 Preparation
is like getting physically prepared for a long hike on a scorching day.
Step 2 Sharing Your Testimony
is getting organized with all the gear and food.
Step 3 Sharing The Gospel is the joy of the accomplishment of reaching the top of the mountain.

These study guides will provide an insightful yet straightforward training program for anyone wanting to be equipped and encouraged in more effective friendship evangelism. The significant barriers to evangelism, worry, and an absence of knowledge about how to witness are in these helpful and concise study guides.

It will not be easy: it is hard work. We ask that you take these study guide by itself and not with the other study guides. To be successful at soul winning, you will have to be


How do I present the Gospel?

How Not To Present The Gospel?
There is a great deal of Christians who present an incorrect Gospel in their delivery. They do not do this purposefully. However, they do it. Let me provide you with some instances of negative presentations of the Gospel message, and afterward, we will undergo how properly to do it. You could listen to something like . . .

"God loves you, and if you give your life to Jesus, you will go to heaven."
"If you ask Jesus into your heart, you will certainly come to be a Christian. Ask Him to be your Savior."
"Jesus enjoys you so much that if you trust in Him, He will save you."

Christians with excellent intentions typically duplicate these diminished, insufficient discussions of the Bible. So that when a specific "ask Jesus into your heart," there is a considerable risk of not receiving Christ correctly. This is dangerous because it has the capacity to stop a person from genuinely discovering Christ in the future.


Like a cat chasing a mouce we as Chistians need to choose our focus and approach.

Choose Your Focus And Approach?
Christians living in anticipation of being used by God are like cats on the lookout for mice. They never lose their focus with their eyes and ears alert and ready to pounce at any second. When you stay ready, you are actually living by the faith you claim to exercise. You have a mission field at the coffee shop, work, school, neighborhood, mall, gym, sports events, etc., where your focus is all about people and sowing seeds.

One of the best misconceptions is the idea so prevalent among Christians that men and women do not wish to know God. I find sufficient evidence that simply the opposite is real. The Holy Spirit has developed a hunger for God in the hearts of multitudes. I am persuaded that most non-believers throughout the world are ready to receive Christ when correctly approached with a clear and straightforward presentation of the Gospel by a Spirit-filled witness.

Tragically, most Christians have never presented a single individual to the Lord Jesus. There are two good reasons for this.
First, some Christians are living a defeated, fruitless, worldly (carnal) life. They are not walking in the fullness and control of the Holy Spirit.

Sharing The Gospel Challenge

Sharing The Gospel Challenge
Sharing our faith is among our urgent calls as followers of Jesus. God has called us to bear good fruit. Jesus tells His disciples, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15).  Jesus wants us actually to bear fruit in this practical way.

Today all kinds of people have become skillful at doing church or reading books or doing worship and praise, but to see a soul come to Jesus — that’s another entire thing, isn’t it? How many of you honestly want to see more people get saved through your church? Unfortunately, some are content to go to church and live their life. I believe by you wanting to do these Share the Gospel study guides, you at the very least are on the right track. You’ve got to the point where you won’t accept being unfruitful. No one can make this happen to you. It is your choice!

But everybody whom God ever used got to the point of desperation and said, “I’d sooner not live if I can’t see fruit.” Nobody, who God mightily used, didn’t first come to a crisis and then breakthrough into fruitfulness, seeing souls won for Christ.

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