



A collection of true Christian testimonies that glorify the saving work of Jesus Christ. Share your Christian testimony with us here; we will share it with the world.

Before you read these Christian testimonies, think about your own journey with Jesus. Have you shared it? If you haven’t, we want it. The Bible says that Christians will produce fruit. "This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." (John 15:8). "The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire." (Matthew 3:10). Your testimony may produce fruit for God’s kingdom. Don’t waste this opportunity. You can send us your story right now.

Don’t worry about your writing skills. We edit (lightly) all content (if needed). Don’t think your testimony is boring. Your story could be the only one to connect with a person searching for the truth. No life-saving journeys are boring. Every single testimony is unique and gives us a bit more insight into how our God works in this day and age.

If you’re not sure where to start in the writing process, we’ll give you a few tips on writing an effective testimony here. Now, read on and may God open your eyes to His truth, pull your affections to Him and cement His Word in your soul.

Life Changing Christian Testimonies

Tamil Maran's Testimony
Villupuram, Tamil Nadu, India

(Left click on pictures to enlarge.)

Tamil Maran personal testimonies.

Tamil Maran is my name living in Valavanur, Villupuram, India. Born in agriculture family having no faith in God from childhood to 37 th age. I lived without any hope, direction, and purpose. I thought money is sufficient to live, hence I started working towards richness and rich.

Suddenly, the accident took place affecting head, mute for 4 months, parlayed one leg and one hand. Please see the photo attached. Having tried witchcraft, Hindu temple , Islam mosque but in vain. This period is the darkest period.

One of my non Christian neighbours told me to read some Jesus Christ book so that I may be healed. I eagerly searched the website since I am qualified in computer, found brother Brian Duncalfe who gave me the holy bible – picture attached.

I started reading in mind only as my tongue could not utter a even single word, from 1 Peter onwards -randomly selected. Yes, my thought, thinking, body, souls were touched. Slowly sensing in tongue and body was visible in my mind. I found that words in this holy bible are powerful and started reading from New Testament the Book of Matthew – how God’s touched me – it was a marvellous experience, slowly recovered.

Now I can talk and run. I traveled to the city to join Bible College to study further. Yes, how our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ lead me, ultimately I started and built a small church called New Life Prayer House in my native village called Valavanur Village in May 2018.

A. Jesus healed my sickness. 

B. Jesus gave me the wisdom to select a beautiful religion.

C. Jesus gave me responsible work Matthew 28:18-20.
"Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

D. Jesus called me to plant a church in my native village called "New Life Prayer House."

E. Bible: Today, we bought Bible costing around including discounted rate from bible society of India for Rs. 3970/-. Our God Jesus Christ bless you and your family members, having helped to partake to the kingdom of God. Thanks.

On June 16, 2018 the Dedication ceremony for the "New Life Prayer House". The thanksgiving prayer are programmed, kindly pray for the open meeting for the "New Life Prayer House".

Please “….stir up the gift of God which is in you…,”(2Timothy 1:6), pray that I may have stronghold of God’s words.

Pastor Tamil Maran,  
New Life Prayer House,
110, Mahatma Gandhi Nagar,
Narayuir Rd, Valavanur,
Villupuram, Tamil Nadu,
India, 605608

To see the full testimony and pictures of God's Work on Tamil Maran and his family go here.


Da'Eyja Jackson-Pagan Story

Hi I’m Da’Eyja,
I am here to share my story with you on how I recommitted my life to Christ. I’m going to start off with where I was the most troubled in my life. Not to long ago I was going through depression and bad anxiety. I felt as no one cared or acknowledged me, at home and at school. I got so bad to the point where I was thinking of ending everything. But I knew if I did that then the one’s I cared for would suffer much more pain than I would imagine. Especially my mom for it was her that I keep thinking that if I was to ever do it that I would make her suffer and impact her mental health. Which I love my mother more than anyone on the earth.

That I knew not to do it, at the time I knew of Jesus Christ and some things he did, I believed and I knew that if I were to end my life, what I would face if it was to ever happen. I also knew that I was way to young to even think about doing such things. But I was in a bad mental and was scared to speak up and tell someone. I didn’t have no to none friends that were reliable enough to speak up about things like this. And was scared of what they think and what my family will think of me.The only one who knew at first was my mother because she noticed that my mood and personality were different, so soon after she realized, I now finally realized that my whole family noticed it to.

But soon after I made some friends that weren’t the best and I did something’s that I never thought I’d ever do, I sinned. And the worst part is that I felt guilty for doing so, but at the time I was in the dark for to long that I continued. Until I found out what could happen if I were to keep going down this path. When I was committing sin, I was in therapy I knew that I shouldn’t be doing those things. It bothered me so much and my anxiety had just spiked and surpassed my depression. To the point were I wasn’t as sad no more but I was so anxious of what I’m going to do how I’m going to tell my mom what I’ve done. And still to this day I haven’t told her but as I’m writing this, I’m going to tell her what I’ve done in that period of time I was in. The things I did were not ok and I felt the guilt it covered me, I knew that I needed to change.

And with that I stopped doing the things that lead me to sin. I cut off people I knew were hard to remove it took some time but I didn’t want the cycle to repeat itself. I had to grow my relationship with Jesus again because without him I would still struggle to sleep, struggle to fight depression and anxiety. I would has still sinned, and many other things, but when I started to see more videos and people talking about what Jesus done and all the great things he’s done. I knew that this time I am making sure that I know Jesus Christ and what he’s done and not just know the in and outs of the Bible, but to know truly Jesus.And better my relationship with him as I had when I was a kid and felt no shame and hate in my life but was full of his love and happiness and respect for everyone. I want to go back and be how I was before I was sinning.

But the good thing about having Jesus by your side is that even if you felt how I did, that no one loved you or liked you is that, Jesus Christ is way more than enough for you and his love and his happiness will fill that void. He will make you feel like the happiest person in the world because he loves you so very much that he died, gave his life for our sins so that we would become believers in him and our sins would be forgiven. And the more I learn about him every day I grow and apply every single teaching he has to my life to change and better myself.

I also am working on getting my family to get out such a toxic state and seek and believe in Jesus Christ just how I am doing the same. For those out there reading my story, I love y'all but Jesus loves you more. Have a good rest of your day or night.



Khalid Soomrom Shares His Story

Lives in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Khalid Mansoor Soomro is from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. He was an ardent follower of Muhammad until he decided to put a challenge to some Christian students at his school.

This dramatic testimony tells the first-person perspective of how a Muslim convert came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Khalid's Story And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15, NKJV) I belong to a Muslim family. When I was 14 years old, I was studying in a convent school in Pakistan. My parents had forced me to learn the Qur'an by heart when I was seven, and so I did. I had a lot of Christian fellows (or acquaintances) at school and was surprised to see them studying because I had always found Christians to be of a low profile in the society. I discussed and argued a lot with them about the accuracy of the Qur'an and rejection of the Bible by Allah in the Holy Qur'an. I wanted to force them to accept Islam.

Often my Christian teacher told me not to do so. He said, "God may choose you as he chose the Apostle Paulus." I asked him to explain who Paulus was because I knew Muhammad only. A Challenge One day I challenged the Christians, suggesting that we each burn the other's Holy book. They should burn the Qur'an, and I should do the same with the Bible. We agreed: "The book which would burn, would be false. The book which would not burn would have the truth. God himself would save his Word."

The Christians were frightened by the challenge. Living in an Islamic country and doing such a thing could lead them to face the law and meet its consequences. I told them I would do it by myself. With them watching, first, I set the Qur'an on fire, and it burned before our eyes. Then I attempted to do the same with the Bible. As soon as I tried, the Bible struck my chest, and I fell to the ground. Smoke surrounded my body. I was burning, not physically, but from a spiritual fire. Then suddenly I saw a man with golden hair at my side. He was wrapped in light. He placed his hand on my head and said, "You are my son and from now on you will preach the gospel in your nation. Go! Your Lord is with you." Then the vision continued, and I saw a gravestone, which had been removed from the tomb. Mary Magdalene spoke to the gardener who had taken the body of the Lord. The gardener was Jesus himself. He kissed the hand of Mary, and I woke up.

I felt very strong as if someone could strike me, but I would not be hurt. A Rejection I went home and I told my parents what had happened, but they did not believe me. They thought the Christians had me under some magic, but I told them that everything had happened before my very own eyes and that many people were watching. They still did not believe me and kicked me out of my home, refusing to accept me as their family member.

I went to a church close to home; I told the priest all about what had happened. I asked him to show me the Bible. He gave me the Scriptures, and I read about the event I had seen in the vision with Mary Magdalene. That day, February 17, 1985, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. A Calling My family rejected me. I went to various churches and learned about the Word of God. I also followed many Bible courses and eventually went into Christian ministry.

Now, after 21 years, I have had the joy of seeing many people come to the Lord and accept Jesus Christ as Savior. Thanks to the Lord, I am now married and have a Christian family. My wife Khalida and I are involved in the work of the Lord and have been able to share the miracles God has done in our lives. Even though it is not easy and we face many hardships, we feel like Paul who went through hardships and suffering for the glory of his Savior, Jesus, who himself suffered during his walk on earth and his time on the cross.

We thank God the Father for sending his Son to this earth and giving us free, eternal life through him. Likewise, we thank God for his Spirit who encourages us day by day to live for him.


Jonah Goodness Shares His Story - lives in Togo

Jesus saved me and gave me new life.

I blessed God first for his Grace and Mercy...that made it possible for me to come across this study guide and also to finish the 21 days journey studying the Gospel of John. At the end of this journey (which happens today), i was restored and i started a new life and relationship with Jesus. In the past i doubt alot about my salvation, i thought Jesus wasn't really with me, i doubted God's love and presence.... infact, i had given my life to Christ many times, because i never had that strong faith to hold unto my salvation in Christ...i thought of my past sins and believed that they're ever before me.... infact it was alot and this had cause me not to have a steady relationship with Christ.

I also can't say i have the Holy spirit of God inside of me because of my faithlessness. However, i give all glory to God almighty, who has showed me his salvation this day and had restored me in his presence...himself speaks Faith into my heart and i hold unto it, He gave me the heart to know that He still love me and He never forsake me.

Today i can say i have Jesus, i can say Jesus is inside of me, i can say with boldness that I'm a born again Christian...not just born again, but a genuine born again Christian, praise God!

Ending the 21 days journey with chap 21 of the Gospel of John....i saw how Christ himself with Love call back Simon Peter and gave him another chance....this path was the path that really touched my heart, and i felt Christ has called me with his love and has given me another chance just as he gave Peter. It was a wonderful journey and i believe the Lord himself is running out his plans for my life......i want this to continue, i want to share this to as much people i can share it to by God's grace.



My Porn Addiction

At a very young age, I was exposed to porn. It changed the way I looked at myself, I saw someone worthless, I felt like a fraud because everyone at church looked at me and thought I was so Holy and pure, not aware of this hidden sin that was literally eating me up from inside. My solution to this sin was getting baptized, I really thought after I get baptized, this sin will just disappear, and yes, that is possible but the problem was I thought that I alone could overcome this sin. I was wrong because the same night that I was baptized I fell into the same sin that night. I was so ashamed I did not even want to ask for forgiveness because I was so afraid that I was going to fall into the same pattern of watching porn and masturbating and right after asking for forgiveness. That night I felt like an true failure I felt like a disappointment to God.

Later that week, I realized that I truly could not do this on my own and that I needed the Holy Spirit to guide me and to give me self-control and I needed him o help me run away from temptation, so I cried out. I sat on my bed l was looking like a waterfall I cried out. The next morning I woke up, and I could just feel the Holy Spirit presents with me. About 2 weeks after this incident, I went to a church camp, and in one of the teachings, the pastor asked, ''if anyone in here is struggling with any sort of addiction please stand up; we want to pray for you. So I stood up and allowed them to pray for me. I really feel like the moment I confessed in front of people that I have some kind of addiction even though they did not know what it was, I was set free from this sin till this day. I struggle with all kinds of temptations but I know the Holy Spirit is with me and is protecting me.

I am writing this to someone that I know needs to hear this testimony; you will get through, this but not alone ask God to help you, confess your sin to him, tell him how you feel about it and how it makes you feel. Remember God loves you anyway, and he wants you to be free, but you have to say to him ''God, I am all in, I do not want this in my life'' And then start acting like it.

And the last piece of information I want to share I am a female.

Dina Feldman Shares Her Story

I had known Jesus when I was young, when I was in college I joined a church that left some unpleasant emotions. Leaving church and religion behind claiming I could believe in God but not be in church I spent over 20 years away from the Lord. Like the prodigal son I wanted to live life on my own terms do it my way, no legalistic church and rules holding me down. In other words I wanted to sin and not be held to any higher standard. But through it all I knew the hand of God was with me, My heavenly father always looking after me. And when it was time for Him to call me home, he surely did! He humbled me, brought me to my knees....to a place of surrender and then he picked me up, lifted me from my sin delivered me from the deep darkness that had grown in my heart and in my spirit...He gave me HOPE again, HE showed me MERCY, HE showed me his INFINITE love and I am so thankful to be HOME with MY FATHER ...praise our Lord Jesus for his intercession, for his obedience we are able to come home and sit with our Heavenly Father.

Keith Baker
United Kingdom
Shares His Story

I came to know the Lord Jesus in 1978. I was a drug addict. Jesus had spoken to me seven times in 7 years. I grew up in London, the youngest of 7 children. I had four brothers and two sisters, they had all been in trouble with the police and some had been in prison. My father said to me, 'I hope you are not going to be like the rest.' I turned out worse; I ran with gangs, bikers, drug dealers. I had been in prison three times.

It was not long after my second term in prison I became a drug dealer. I was dealing in a pub one night and had taken some myself. I passed out, and my workers tried my pulse and checked me over and decided I was dead. They took me out the pub and dumped in an empty house and rapped me up in a carpet. I was left there for four days. I came back, I managed to work my way out of the carpet. I went outside and found out what day it was, I was scared, not knowing what had happened. I met the people who dumped and they were shocked and explained that I was dead and dumped me.

Some months later after another prison sentence, I met a girl who told me about Jesus. She took me to church, and a man at the front was talking about all the things I had been doing. He asked if anyone would like to accept Jesus put your hand up, I did and went up to the front for prayer. I left the church that night and felt as though nothing had happened. I carried on taking drugs but could not get high. I thought that something was messing with my mind and went back to church the next Sunday. The message was preached, Jesus put me on the floor and totally set me free. I became a new creation that night. This is only a small part of the story, but the beginning of a wonderful journey, of struggles, miracles, and amazing events. I am to share of what our wonderful God did for my wife, me and my seven children and now ten grandchildren.


Amos & Catherine Testimony
Lilongwe, Malawi

(Left click on pictures to enlarge.)

Amos & Catherine Tesimony living in Malawi.

We are a wife and a husband, Malawians by nationality. Catherine became a born again Christian in 2010, while I(Amos) became a born-again Christian in 2014. 

We had been the Roman Catholic Christians for so many years. My wife was the first to step out from the Roman Catholic Church, and she joined Jesus True Way Pentecostal Church in 2010 and she received Jesus Christ to be the Lord and Saviour of her life. It was so interesting that my wife now became my teacher of the word of God. My wife never grew tired of teaching me even though to me it was a burden by then. In 2014, it was when I received Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour of my life. Soon after this process, I had so many dreams almost three times a weak . And let me share you one of the dreams I had:

Amos going to Bible College

There was a very big building. In there, there were many people some were standing, some of them were sitting, and others were sleeping. The building had two main doors, and all the doors were closed. On the other door stood two men and I, stood on the second door. The two men shouted with anger, and I quoted" we have come to take these people because they are ours" I answered them that" you will never take these people from here because even God knows that today the 16th of October (The date was exactly the 16th)".  It was when my door opened. The people who slept, who sat down joined those who were still standing and started stepping out using the door which I stood. I waited for all the people to come out of the building and lastly, there was an old woman who was not fit to walk properly. I held her by hand and started walking behind, following the people, and I walked a very long distance escorting these people.  Then I woke up.

Door to Door Soul Winning by Amos & Catherine.

Therefore, we sat down and discussed to start the Door To Door Soul Winning Ministry. We had been praying for the Ministry, and then we started our Ministry of reaching people with the word of God mainly in the remote/rural areas. We decided to go in these and teach the word of God because most of the people have different cultures that hinder their desire to practice Christianity. So the big percentage of these people put their strong desire in practicing their cultural beliefs. That is why we decided to outreach these people with the word of God. We've been covering a distance may be around or over 8km on foot with my lovely wife.‎

In this jour‎ny of serving the Lord, we've been gone through different circumstances. Sometimes people were interested to hear the word of God and sometimes we were rejected not to share the word of God. Some of the people reached to an extent of telling us that they don't know Jesus Christ what they know is to dance Nyawu (Gulewamkulu). As a family, we agreed not to allow any discouragement in us. Truly speaking, we have seen the hand of God upholding us.

Amos graduating from Bible College
Firstly, we had no Bibles for our Ministry and God gave us through the well wishers. From 2014 to 2018, God has blessed us  a lot.

I did certificate at Bible Training Centre For Pastors(BTCP), I did Diploma in Ministry & Christian Leadership at Dunamis  Ministerial College, I did Diploma in Expository Preaching at Central African Preaching Academy(CAPA). Currently, my wife and I too, we are studying Missions at Evangelical Alliance For Preacher Training and Commission (EAPTC School Of Missions). Not only that but also God blessed us with a second-hand car. From 2014 up to date, no any disagreement in our marriage.  Living together with My wife Catherine, truly speaking, she is a big blessing to me from God. We are living peacefully and serving Christ together.‎

Graduating from the second Bible College

Now, let us tell you that we have been discouraged and even cheated in different ways. Sometimes by our own friends, but we stood, and we are still standing unshakeable in serving our Lord Jesus Christ. We are still going forward with our Door To Door Soul Winning Ministry and it is our wish to lead many souls to Christ. And we believe that God will not allow us to be ashamed (Rom.10:11). So we are struggling to reach the unreached because the same souls we are reaching today, will be our witnesses in the in the eyes of the Lord. Therefore, our dear fellow servants of Jesus Christ, we urge you not to be discouraged by any situation or lack of resources. We are encouraging you because everything is possible with God. Teach the true word of God, proclaim the gospel and lead people to Christ. "Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” (Mk 10:27)

God bless you all
Amos & Catherine

Amos & Catherine's original request.
Dear Brian Duncalfe,
Thank you for your feedback.
I requested the Bible because I don't have any means of getting it. Here in Malawi, people in cities and in some of the urban areas know the word of God because of the availability of the pastors. But if you can go into rural areas, people are busy following their traditional cultures. They don't know the word of God. The reason being that the
small churches are very far apart from each other, so they don't even respect Saturdays and Sundays.

Therefore, my aim and interest are to outreach them with the Word of God using the Bible and other materials if possible. Through that way, God will remove them form spiritual blindness, that’s my aim.



Jesus saved me and gave me new life. My name is Richard, I was a DJ in a night club years back, I use to drink and womanise before some one preached to me and lead me to Christ, then I gave my life to Christ since then I have etching to know Him more. God bless you all.

Sarvepalli Testimony
Gujarat, India (July, 2021

"For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Mathew 9:13
"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." Luke:19:10

 I was born in an orthodox Hindu family, and my father was a pious and well-known person. As I grew up, I strictly followed the footsteps of my father. When I turned 13, I looked up to my father as a role model. He was never negligent in performing pooja/worship to all Hindu gods every day. Every day, he got up early from 4.00 am to 7:00 am for personal devotion in our special prayer room. He strictly adhered to this schedule. After him, I went into the pooja room and performed pujas to all Hindu gods. As per the custom, I went for the bhajan at the temple every day. I was strictly advised to do it diligently for the uplifting of my spiritual life.

During the daytime, my father wrote 'SRI RAM NAAM ', and he was the first one to write it more than 10 million times during those days. (1977). He dedicated it to one of the RAMA TEMPLES at Badhrachalam in Tamil Nadu. We were four sons, and I was the youngest in our family. I lost my father when I was in grade 10.

I was very weak in my studies, especially in math, and stood second last in the class. That was the turning point in my life. After that, I decided to concentrate on my studies, especially with Algebra. Then I joined B.Sc. (Math) and tried to complete my graduation to get a decent job. Despite all my hard work, I had failed Algebra and was greatly disappointed as I was disqualified from securing a decent job. My family members were very much annoyed about my failure, and I did not find anyone to comfort or guide me at that time. I became a sincere, serious, and religious person.  I also used to play county-level cricket matches and won many trophies.

After that, my lifestyle changed completely. I was frustrated, and I started to smoke and became a chain smoker. I started using drugs, drinking liquor. I became a ring leader of a gang indulging in ragging, brawling, and eve-teasing. Whenever there was a college strike, I stood in the front to lead it. I became a notoriously bad person. But every day, I went to the temple ceremoniously and performed the puja in my house every morning. I burned the midnight oil studying Algebra, which was a nightmare. I wrote the exam once again but in vain because I got very poor marks in that exam again.

There was NO PEACE IN MY LIFE ... NO JOY IN MY LIFE ... NO ONE TO LOVE ME ... NO ONE TO GUIDE ME ... NO ONE TO TAKE CARE OF ME -- although my own people were around me. My health worsened, and I vomited blood due to excessive consumption of drugs/alcohol and smoking. I reached the brink of desperation, and so I decided to commit suicide. I felt that I was worthless to my family and society. One afternoon I went to a well to commit suicide, but I heard a voice saying this continually, 'SUICIDE IS NOT THE CONCLUSION OF LIFE, AND YOU NEED TO FACE THE FACT. Finally, I had to postpone my suicide attempt.

Again, one afternoon I was so depressed that I ran to the temple barefooted, literally crying all the way. I asked God, "Why has this happened to me? Despite my hard work, why can't I obtain my degree? And why can't I find real love or comfort from my family members?'

So, I decided to go to my eldest brother's house (who was the first Christian convert in our family) and stayed with him for some time. There I got the zeal to know about the Bible, but not intending to become a Christian. My brother was shocked and asked me to pack up and go back home. After much persuasion, my elder brother agreed to send me to the Bible college.  I should not disclose this to any one of our family members or friends. Otherwise, they may cause trouble for him. I agreed, not intending to become a Christian but only to know about the Bible. I joined a Bible College in Rajahmundry (Andhra Pradesh State). On the very first day, God started working in my life through miracles. I fell sick, and I never knew how to pray to God. It was night, and no one took care of me since all were new and I did not know what to do. But that night, around 11 pm, I just knelt and started crying without uttering any word. Praise God, who saw my tears and healed me that very moment.

Even after this miracle, I did not accept Jesus as my Savior. Still, while reading the Bible, God opened my spiritual eyes and convicted me to understand that I am a "SINNER." I confessed my sins and repented. During the days of my Bible College, I appeared for Algebra exams in Chennai. A couple of months later, I asked God to give me the Algebra exam result within 24 hours. I kept this as a test to find whether this God is a true God or not. (I did not know whether the results were published or not at that time) But I prayed earnestly, "GOD, IF YOU ARE A REAL GOD, PLEASE ANSWER MY PRAYER." "GOD, I WILL GIVE 24 HRS TIME FROM NOW ONWARDS (IT WAS IN THE AFTERNOON). I SHOULD GET MY RESULTS BY TOMORROW 0200 P.M. "That night, I fasted and prayed to God continuously.

The following day I attended the Bible classes. That afternoon all the students had gone for lunch, and I was alone in the classroom with significant stress. I was praying to God. After lunch, all the students returned to the classroom, and the session was about to begin. The set time was nearing, and I was really tense and agitated, and I thought: Did this God also forsake me? If it is so, then there is no God at all. When the class was about to start, I was on the last bench of the classroom with a downcast heart and soul. But at precisely 2:00 pm. I saw a postman standing at the door -- calling my name. Immediately I stood up and approached him to get my parcel (that was a registered AD). I got the sealed cover, and I opened it in front of all the students and the teacher, as I was very anxious to know what was inside the cover. Believe me when I got my original mark sheet of Algebra, wherein I scored 2nd in the class! I could not believe this, and without knowing, I literally cried in front of all the students and the professor. They looked at me with great puzzlement. Immediately I asked the professor if I could speak a few words, and my request was granted.

That event is still vivid in my memory, and these are the words I addressed at that time: "I TESTED GOD BY GIVING HIM AN IMPOSSIBLE THING TO DO. I STARTED PRAYING TO GOD TO MAKE IT HAPPEN WITHIN THE STIPULATED TIME -- THAT IS, WITHIN 24 HRS TIME. I ALSO ASKED (told) GOD THAT IT SHOULD HAPPEN BEFORE 2:00 pm TODAY; otherwise THERE WILL BE NO EXISTENCE OF GOD FOR ME". I remember saying all that with a loud voice with tears streaming down my face. "BUT TODAY, THE LIVING AND THE PRAYER-ANSWERING GOD HAS PROVEN THAT HE IS THE MIGHTY GOD AND CAN MAKE IMPOSSIBLE THINGS POSSIBLE! "TODAY I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THERE IS NO GOD BESIDES THIS GOD - LORD JESUS - WHO IS THE TRUE GOD AND WORTHY OF ALL GLORY!" s That day onwards, my faith increased, and I decided to get baptized and lead a life pleasing to Jesus Christ. Now the journey is ongoing, and my God is still answering my prayers. And I sincerely thank God for showing great love and compassion though I am unworthy.

"I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also because that is why I was sent." Luke 4:43

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10.

This is the reason I am alive today and witnessing my Lord's amazing love and his purpose.


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