Share Your Story



We'd love To Hear From You! Share Your Story!

Frequently Asked Questions Why share my story?
God has a plan for everyone's story. Sharing could be your next step to celebrate what Jesus has done for you, to experience His blessing or to reach others for Jesus.

What if I don't think I have a story? You can't meet Jesus and stay the same. Tell us about any turning point, your next step, or remarkable experience that points to Jesus working in your life.

What if I don't know where to start? Writing is a great way to figure out what you want to say. Start your story from whatever point seems logical, and Jesus will give you guidance from there. Don't worry about grammar or spelling. Just write like you're talking to a good friend.

We celebrate every story we receive, and we are always looking for opportunities to share stories online.
Don’t know where to start? Simply think about how your story fits in these most common story types:
1. Jesus saved me and gave me new life.
2. Jesus taught me to grow in faith.
3. Jesus helped me through struggles.
4. Jesus restored a relationship that was broken.
5. Jesus used me to make a difference.
6. Jesus provided when I had a need.
Tip: Take a moment to pray for the words God wants you to share. Then imagine you’re telling your story to a good friend ..

By submitting your story you have given us permission to put your story on our website
(If you do not want your story on our website please just put PERSONAL in the message area and we will not share it.)

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