Of any ministry you face one of the most important one of touching people's life's with follow-up. It is a privilege and joy watching a new Christian grow in fruitfulness and maturity. Let us set some Goals of the Follow-up.
1. To establish the new believer in the Scriputres for the basis of their Christian faith.
2. To help new believer in understanding the Scriptural principles of Spitual growth.
3. To begin to build a connection with a group of believers and a personl Christian friendship with a body of believers.



1. Sharing
2. Disciple - as outlined in Matthew 28:18-20
3. Nurturing
We have used three principles as described in Matthew 28:18-20, wherein a person goes out, baptizes, and then teaches them (new converts) to observe the commandments of the Lord. The 3rd one came from John 15:16 wherein it says that ". . . fruit that will last. . ."

1. Sharing
Many ways can be used to carry out the work of sharing the Gospel, such as the invitation to a church service, passing out tracts, film showing (street meetings), door-to-door survey, or the best way of one-on-one sharing. Then after a person gets saved, we are there to disciple them.

2. Discipleship
Usually, after been saved, they will set out and be willing to be discipled. Those who are ready will go through the Bible lessons and then be visited and introduced to the fellowship of the local church wherein they will be water baptized. If possible, they will go through the New Believer's Class to understand what water baptism means.

3. Nurturing
After getting a person saved and water baptized into the church, the issue of keeping them and helping them grow is another thing. In John 15:16, the Lord said, ". . .fruit that will last..." A lot of means are used to help this new convert stay in the church's fellowship continuingly.

Many churches have newcomers classes in a comfortable environment where you can relax and get to know your church a little better. This can be through the Sunday School classes, existing church groups, Life Groups, online Alpha courses (answering questions in a safe environment), etc.



Probably, the part that most soul winners want to do is to follow what John 15:16 says. "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you."

Notice first it says that we should bring forth fruit, but it does not end there. The latter part of the verse says that " ... fruit that will last..." How many of us over time have wondered, "Well, what happened to the one I witnessed to?" And this is the part of follow-up that is lacking.

Remember, the church is like a hospital where souls can get saved. We all know that when a baby is born in a hospital, the nurse does not say, "O. K., baby, go home and be sure to come back for your checkup." Sounds funny, but we can make that same mistake with our spiritual babies. A born-again person cannot take care of themself. Follow-up is needed.

Some of the resources we have for the new converts are listed as follows:
1. Letters or an email to Visitors.
2. Letter to those who make decisions.
3. Study guides sent by email to new Christians. God's Simple Plan of Salvation 21 day study guide here or Steps for a New Christian 21 day study guide here.
4. Encourage the new convert to start reading in the New Testament in the Book of John in the Bible.
Recommend for new Christian's a guide that helps explain the Gospel of John chapter by chapter here or a shorter chapter by chapter of the Gospel of John here or download and print out the Gospel of John PDF here.
5. A New Believer's Class.
6. New Member's Fellowship.
7. Have them join Life Groups or Cell Groups.
8. Take them out for Sunday lunch.
9. Introduce them to others.
10. Be an encouraging friend.
11. Alpha is an 11-week course to bring a new Christian to have conversations about faith, life, and God. Check it out here or Alpha Online here. For those searching or newly saved, I highly recommend the Alpha program online or Alpha in-person course (check online to find one close to you.).

Focus on follow-up and discipleship is extremely crucial, and the concerns we cover, assurance of salvation, scripture, prayer, fellowship, etc., are all essential. It is necessary to assist young Christians in discovering to share their faith right from the start to make the most of their witness to their non-Christian friends and establish and develop a good perspective on sharing. A good sharing approach should always be simple enough to reproduce without barriers of complication.


Possibly for another visit or at least open the door for a conversation or give them some information on the next steps. Recommend have it printed out.
Lead into the Next Steps if the opportunity and time are available. If not, make another time to meet, talk on the phone, or at the very least Zoom, Skype, text, or an email to discuss or give them the next steps for a New Christian here. Please do not say "God Bless You" and let them go on their way.

Take a personal interest in the new baby Christian. Be warned you might have less time to golf, TV, or go out for coffee. It will be the same as a parent raising a new infant that starts crying and wants attention now, but you are so blessed as you watch your child grow into an adult. So it is with the new Christian it takes God's Love and patience to be a mentor to a new child of God. As I am writing this, I have one young new Christian that sends me emails; it seems almost every hour. You will need an abundance of God's Love and Wisdom.


(Below that is the simplified method that you will use.)

Respond With: (Recommend you give the new Christian a copy of the next steps and go over it with them.)
"You're probably wondering what the next steps are for you to deepen your relationship and living a life for God?"

Ask this Question:

Respond With: (In your own words.)
If you prayed this prayer and meant it with all your heart, YOU ARE SAVED! You have now been born again, spiritually, and are a child of God. Your sins have been forgiven, and today begins the first day of many in your new walk with God.

If they are unsure?  More information on how to become a Christian here or download and print the PDF here.

Respond With:
We Are Glad You Decided To Give Your Life To Jesus Christ.  As a Christian, what should I do next? If you have received Jesus Christ as your Savior, as a Christian, you should:

1. Read your Bible (God's Word) daily to Know and Walk with Jesus Better each Day.
Ask this Question:
Ask if they have a Bible?
Respond With: (If they answer no.)

Key Note: (Give Attention Too and Reflect.)
Give them a Bible if they do not have one. You can buy one here for them. Or at the very least, give them one of yours or ask your church if they have any Bibles in the lost in found. Most Gospel preaching churches will have new Bibles to give to a recent convert or someone searching.

Very important for new Christians to have a Bible translation that they understand and can grow spiritually with. Recommend you give or buy them a new New International Version Bible (NIV) or New Living Translation Bible (NLT). I realize a lot of Christians have an opinion on their favorite translation and type of Bible. Today's society is so different from when at least I grew up with. A great majority of folks today know nothing about Christianity and serving God. They have grown up with TV shows, movies, and news that express the opposite view of God's truth. They have never read the Bible or had a desire to go to Sunday school or church. Giving them a New International Devotional Bible or the New Living Translation Bible. (Paraphrase Bible) written in a modern language with the help of daily spiritual thoughts in the devotional are what we recommend.

As my testimony below, someone gave me a "Good News Bible," which was perfect for not knowing anything about God. After a few years, I changed to the NIV translation and a King James Version (KJV) to compare interpretations of scriptures. At that time, the paraphrase Bible was an uncomplicated version of the Bible for a beginner. There are three methods of Bible Translations.
1. Literal translation - Translators translate each word in the original language to an equivalent English word, word-for-word as the King James Version (KJV).
2. The Dynamic - Translators translate the original language meaning into equivalent English words or expressions, capturing the meaning and purpose of the original language text as a New International Version (NIV).
3. The Paraphrase - This is the most readable of all translations but is the least accurate as it is a simplification of the text explained here in detail as in New Living Translation (NLT).

Weekly, we get many thank you letters from folks who received a paraphrased Bible from us as a New Living Translation (NLT.), saying it is the first Bible they can read and understand. The paraphrased Bible you study diligently when you first got saved will be of far more significant benefit to you than the literal or dynamic Bible that you ignore. Would you give a steak to a baby?

Another suggestion is to put their name and the presenter's name on the front cover and the date they accepted Christ with an encouraging Bible verse.

Respond With:
The Bible is the most priceless gift you can give a person.

The reason that this is important is that the Bible tells us what God wants us to do. It's God's Word. As you begin to read it every day, it will cause you to grow spiritually. "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.." (2 Timothy 2:15). "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." (Psalms 119:105.)
Find more information on understanding God's Word here and 15 Bible Study Methods here.

Down-To-Earth-Insight: (Into the context of this section.)
I want to emphasize how important it is to give a new Christian the "Word of God." I was given a free Bible that changed my life. A few years before I accepted Christ, a native man took me out for coffee and explained the Gospel. I did not understand much, but the man was still sowing the seed. He gave me a paperback Good News Bible, which I kept for 20 years. That act of kindness had a tremendous life-changing impact on my life. For the last fourteen years or so, my wife and I have sent thousands of free Bibles worldwide because of one man's compassion to serve our Lord. That man will only find out when we get to heaven what the results of his sharing are. I am no one out of the ordinary, no unique gifts, not the most intelligent person, but I am a child of God because of God's Grace and Mercy. To God be the Glory!

I say this part that you do not know your sharing results and God's power on your's and the person you shared with life, and how many miraculously things will take place over time by giving them the "Word of God." You could be sharing with the next Billy Graham or Corrie ten Boom. You might never know, but God knows!! May this encourage your heart!!
Do You Believe That? (Pause, Think, Consider, and Reflect on the Above!)

Respond With: (In your own words.)
2. Talk to God every day in prayer.
Talking to God is as easy as when you have a conversation with a friend. Recommend a good habit of finding a quiet place and a specific time to meet with God every day. We must choose to shut out the turmoil and topsy-turviness around us and purposely focusing our thoughts on God. The words are not so important as the genuineness coming from your heart and making our focal point on what God is saying to us. You might ask the question, is it possible to hear from God? The answer is YES. Would you please read the Good Shepherd and His Sheep in John chapter 10. It is the same way we can hear from God. The primary tools God speaks to us are the Bible and listening to the gentle, quiet voice of the Holy Spirit guiding us. Daily conversations with God can transform your life!

Respond With
: (In your own words.)
3. Get water baptized.
If possible to meet again to discuss water baptism - full immersion as taught in the Bible as an act of obedience to Jesus's command in Matthew 28:18-20. If not possible, send a few Christian articles on water baptism by email and afterward discuss in person, Facetime, phone, email, or text. With their permission, help the person contact a local pastor to set up a meet and greet discussing water baptism. Please give them lots of support and encouragement as time goes on; water baptism becomes more challenging to do and less important in some cases to the new believer. It is a step of faith for a new Christian, and if they are an introvert, it could be very hard.. They will need, in most cases, a lot of encouragement and scripture that supports water baptism.

Respond With: (In your own words.)
4. Fellowship, Worship, and Serve with other Christians in a Church where Jesus is preached.
We encourage you to find a caring local evangelistic church to grow spiritually. The Christian life is designed to be enjoyed with others. "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." (Hebrews 10:25). Keep in mind most people do not know what the best churches to attend are. Each day we get folks asking us which is the best church to attend. Do not take anything for granted.

Find more information on Christian Fellowship and the local church here.  And 100 Reasons why you should go to Church here. A few good Church organizations are Baptist, Pentecostal, Nazarene, Alliance, Assemblies of God, and other Gospel preaching Churches. If you want more information about finding a loving local Church in your area, please get in touch with us here.

Respond With: (In your own words.)
5. Tell Others About Christ.
A reminder God does not call the equipped; God equips the called. We are called to share what Jesus has done for us. We cannot open people's hearts to the truth of the Gospel, but God can by His Holy Spirit. In 1 Corinthians 2:1-5, we read that the Apostle Paul was not very eloquent, with no wise and persuasive words, and not resting on human wisdom, but demonstrating the Spirit's power.

Respond With: (In your own words.)
6. As Jesus' representative, show your new life in Christ by your love, interest, and concern for others in a needy world.

Sharing your faith goes hand in hand with living a Godly life with showing concern for those with needs and problems. As a new Christian, one of the fears is, you will not have all the answers to their questions. But more importantly, your Christian walk and testimony will show the reality of what Jesus has done in your life, which no one can deny.

Prayer For You:
"Pray for the person reading and understanding the great calling you have given us. Lord give them many souls won to Christ in Jesus name."

We suggest giving this link on the next step at to any new Christian.

Respond With: (In your own words.)
God wants a relationship and cares about them. They have been adopted into God's family, and each day they should read God's Word in the Bible and fellowship with other Christians.

Emphasis God begins to change us from the inside out. Articulate this it is not an instant one-time event that all of a sudden we become perfect saints. Instead, it is a continuous lifetime development and experience as we surrender our will and desires and want more of Christ's Lordship in our lives.

Key Note:(Give Attention Too and Reflect.)
"In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." (Luke 15:10)
The heavens rejoice, however, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and it to the full." (John 10:10)

The witnesser needs to do many follow-ups as the enemy will start immediately to attack with unbelief on the new Christian. Follow-through personally, by phone, video chat, visits, texts, or by email as much as is needed. You would not leave a brand new baby to look after itself, do the same for the new child of God. Most importantly, pray daily for the new Christian often. God's work in using you has just begun, be kind, patient, forgiving, and loving to the new baby Christian.

Using Godly wisdom, get them involved in reading the Bible, praying, joining a fellowship or a Bible study group, water baptism, and going to a caring Gospel preaching church. Invite them out often for coffee, lunch, or a Sunday lunch. This last weekend my wife and I were invited out for diner at folks we have known at an arm's length for about 5 years. They mentioned when they first came to our church, and we invited them over pizza. It meant so much to them, and to be honest, I completely forgot about it. You never know that going the extra mile where it leads to by the Grace of God.

If you have just made this commitment to Christ, we would love to speak with you about those steps and your decision to follow him. Please connect with us so that we can rejoice with you!

Above, we have shown in detail the Steps For A New Christian.
Below, we will show an easier method using the acronym G-R-O-W-T-H showing the Steps For A New Christian. Here is the PDF to hand out to the new believer.
(An acronym is a word formed by abbreviating a phrase by combining the first initial of each word into a single term.)

Download Steps For A New Christian PDF Here

Write the Six Things You Do After You Are Saved:
Using the acronym - GROWTH (1 Peter 2:2.)
G _________________
R _________________
O _________________
W _________________
T _________________
H _________________ help build a loving relationship

The soul winner encourages the convert by telling them that what to do to please the Lord.

1. G - GO TO CHURCH. (Hebrews 10:25.)
Explain to them the importance of going to church. They will meet new friends, be blessed by the singing and the preaching. They will follow the examples of Jesus Christ (Luke 2 - while still young.)

Welcome brand-new believers to come to your Bible study or church. It helps the new believer to meet new friends and learn from mature Christians. Another part of follow-up is presenting brand-new followers to other Christians who can motivate them and support them in this brand-new stage of their life.

Encourage the new Christian to get involved in a church. Some ideas are a greeter alongside another Christian, ushering, and ask your pastor for areas that need help. Involve them in church activities, for example, Sunday school, men's or women's classes, newcomers classes, and Alpha program. Have a small gathering of other Christians meet in a home to discuss questions that a new Christian will have.

Find more information on Christian Fellowship and the local church here.  And 100 Reasons why you should go to Church here. A few good Church organizations are Baptist, Pentecostal, Nazarene, Alliance, Assemblies of God, and other Gospel preaching Churches. If you want more information about finding a loving local Church in your area, please get in touch with us here.

(Matthew 4:4; Joshua 1:8.
Why you should pick up your Bible today as it brings the beauty and truth of the Bible into everyday life. Reading the Bible as it contains God's will, discernment instructs us in righteousness and the power to overcome, and it is full of God's promises for our lives.

You need God in and through prayer more than you need anything else. Without God, we will not do anything of any enduring and genuine worth, which suggests we will not do anything of any substantial and enduring value without prayer.

(Acts 2:41.)
Show what the believers did in the New Testament by obeying the Word (John 14:15,21 ) for those who love Him. Jesus showed an example. (1 Peter 2:21.) On your next visit, ask them if they are willing to obey the Lord and be water baptized. Be a friend and encourage them to follow the Lord in WATER baptism and to attend church faithfully. Water Baptism is an essential step in any follower's walk with Christ. Not just is it a public confession of a heart changed by Christ, however; it's likewise a great act of obedience and identifying with Christ.

(Acts 1:8.
No one can say that they no longer need to share or witness to others. New Christians need to learn to witness to others from the very beginning. Remind them how they got saved, and tell them they can help others find Christ as they did. Christian witnessing is simply sharing our genuine faith in Christ and what He's personally done to change our individual lives! We're not called to dispute or argue anybody into heaven. We're simply called to share the "Good News!" As soon as possible, teach them how to share using the simple Three Circle Gospel Method here.

In addition to mentoring spiritual things, we need likewise to share our lives with brand-new followers, being sincere and open about the good and evil and what God is teaching us. Get together and do enjoyable things.

Paul discusses that he resembles a spiritual parent or a mom to the brand-new believers: "Instead, we were like young children among you. Just as a nursing mother cares for her children." (1 Thessalonians 2:7.) We, too, can be similar to caring parents for brand-new followers, supervising them, supporting them, motivating them, nurturing them, correcting them, and keeping them accountable.

The Holy Spirit's function is vital. Assist brand-new followers in understanding who the Holy Spirit is and what it involves to walk in the Spirit's power and influence, not their own power. We will fall away if we attempt to live the Christian life on our own.


As quickly as possible, make a shift from sharing the Gospel to starting follow-up. New followers may have doubts and questions, and it's essential to support and motivate them immediately. Make a specific time to meet and make it simple for them to say "yes.".

In follow-up, we can play a crucial part; however, eventually, it is God who is doing the work. He has assured in His Word to bring about the good work that He has started in us.

Download Steps For A New Christian PDF Here


1. What are the Five Things You Must Know To Go To Heaven:
a) You must realize that. Romans 3:10, 23 (Write the verses)
b) You must realize that you are ________________ by your sins and Romans. 5:12, 6:23 (Write out Romans 5:12 and 1st part of Romans 6:23)
c) You must realize that you _________________ save __________________ Romans 3:20 (Write the verse)
d) You must realize that ___________ ________on the cross. Romans 5:8 (Write out the verse)
e) You must realize that you must Romans 10:9, 10 & 13 (Write out the verses)


Making a list might not appear necessary; however, it is! It uses a valuable method utilized by people from all walks of life (i.e., having to-do lists). For us, it assists us to focus our attention upon those we want to reach for the Lord and not overlook them.

In comprising this list, one ought to observe the following suggestions: Start with those who are close to you and work outwardly:
a. Family
b. Friends
c. Coworkers
d. Neighbors
e. Regular visitors to the church services
f. Relatives of fellow church members
g. Weak or unfaithful members
h. Friends of new converts
i. Benevolent cases where the church has given assistance.
j. Casual associates you do business with like a mail carrier, store clerk, and so on.

Limit this list to 5 or 8 souls. A list with a lot of names, and you will not have the energy to focus your efforts efficiently. Husbands and wives may best simply have one list as they will need their joint cooperation.

Give top priority to those who are the "unchurched."

a. Who are not active members of any denomination or specific religion.
b. Active members of a denomination or religious beliefs are typically extremely pleased with their human traditions and are not as responsive to the simple and pure Gospel of Christ.

Daily check this list. This will assist you to be continuously reminded of these people and thus most likely to do the essential things discussed below.


Why pray? That God will work together with you.
a. To provide you opportunities to do good for them - 1 Corinthians 3:5 -7; Colossians 4:3.
b. To offer you the wisdom to maximize those opportunities - Colossians 4:4 -6.
c. To provide you boldness to say what needs to be said - Ephesians 6:18 -20.

That those on your list will ...
a. Be given the opportunity to hear the truth.
b. Have honest hearts to be responsive and open to the truth.

Keep in mind; it is God who provides the increase when it pertains to sharing. We are but servants whom God can utilize in His plans for mankind. Though we might work as though it all depends upon us, but let us pray as though it all depends upon God!

The following steps will take the most time in your effective sharing.


The significance of this suggestion is seen in the following statement: "People do not care just how much we understand until they know how much we care!" A presentation of love will make a person most likely respond to the Gospel of love when it is shared (1 Peter 2:12.) In other words, our good works and love will assist prepare the "soil" to be as responsive as possible when the "seed" is finally planted.

Some "action steps" to take ...
a. Invite them into your home for supper or coffee.
b. Visit them, particularly in times of trial or illness.
c. Do things with them on a social level.

Simply put, basic hospitality and neighborliness will go a long way in giving you the opportunity to do good towards them. And when they see the "version of the Gospel" (the concepts of the Gospel lived out in the flesh.) They will be most likely to believe in the "verbalization of the Gospel" (the truth of the Gospel in the spoken or written word).

After you have invested a long time being hospitable and progressing becoming better acquainted, the next step is to ...


There are many good factors for desiring them to participate in the services of the local church.

1. They will (or must) have an opportunity to see a caring congregation in action.
a. Combined with your own presentation of love as a person.
b. The presentation of love by others must make a long-lasting impression!

2. They will most likely have an opportunity to be provided with the Gospel message.

3. They will more likely continue to go to after their conversion if they are going routinely to a church prior to conversion to Christ.

As you prepare to welcome these souls to go to services, make sure to be first in prayer.
a. Asking for wisdom to welcome them in the very best way.
b. Asking for boldness to use the invite to attend a local church.

4. Offer to pick them up for church this Sunday and invite them out for Sunday lunch. Sit with them in the church service as the first time to visit a church can be overwhelming. If there is an altar call, ask them if they would like you to go with them.

The following number of actions end up being significantly important; one is to ...

This would pertain to all visitors, whether they were welcomed by you, somebody else, or are just "walk-ins." Some "action steps" may consist of:
a. Greeting them, letting them understand they are welcome.
b. Inviting them home or out for supper, lunch, or coffee.
c. Calling or visiting them after they have gone to the service.

Revealing such love towards those who might even be "complete strangers" is the real significance of hospitality, a virtue that should identify Christians (Hebrews 13:2; Romans 12:13.) Plus, in doing such tasks, you are preparing their hearts for the Gospel! How?
a. By showing love as a congregation of Christians.
b. They will be most likely to believe in the love of God demonstrated in the life of Christ! (1 Peter 2:11 -12.)

We are prepared for the essential step in all our efforts.

Preferably, this will follow after witnessing a presentation of the Gospel in our lives.
a. By our love, hospitality, and so on
b. Both as people and as a congregation.

Approach them yourself and recommend a Bible study if you feel positive about discussing it with them. Either of these three suggestions might work:
a. A Bible study in their home with you (utilizing help like videotapes, charts, or a Bible.).
b. That they study by themselves with the help of study guides. (Check out our five various Study Guides here.)
c. Have them sign up for an Alpha course in your city. Preferably you would join them as support. Check on the internet for the one nearest you.

If you do not feel you are yet confident in approaching them concerning a study or in doing it yourself, there is still much good that you can do:
a. Bring it to the attention of church members who are prepared and able to teach.
b. Provide opportunities for the teacher and new convert to be acquainted, and the bible study teacher can take it from there.
c. Talk to your pastor for suggestions on what study courses are available.


This method is not just the most effective in conserving and keeping souls; it is likewise among the most natural and most convenient ways to reach the lost for Christ. In a survey asking10,000 people the question: "What was responsible for you coming to Christ and this church?" 79% replied a friend or relative invited me to attend. The main point of the survey if churches are to grow, it will be because of the efforts of each individual Christian member. The vastest potential lies with those people who have some association with members of the local church. One does not even have to be able to teach to be effective in leading others to Christ! One has to be a friend to Christians and to the lost!


Have those thinking about being involved together on a weekly or a biweekly time frame. Encouraging one another to set spiritual goals for the coming week.
1. Share concepts and ideas for goals; for instance ...
a. Going to someone or family from the congregation or having them over.
b. Making a list of souls for which to start praying.
c. What do you plan to do to show your love and concern for those on your list.
d. Who you will encourage to church services.
e. What visitors will you make a phone call to and/or visit and so on.
f. Who you will provide to have a bible study or contact somebody who will follow up with a study.

2. Write down the goals for the coming week.
3. Pray about them, together and by yourself throughout the week.

At each weekly get-together...
a. Share and go over how the objectives are being satisfied.
b. Set brand-new objectives for the coming week.
c. Write out your objectives and goals and pray about them.

This easy list of what to do will increase opportunities to share the Gospel and bring many souls to Christ!

Always be on the lookout for prospects. As in John 4, those prospects may even come when you are tired, resting, or when you least expect it.

Continually meeting new people is necessary if you are going to reach the world for Jesus. The second you cease meeting new people, your sharing ministry stops. The above are some excellent ways to meet new people anyplace and anytime. You can share the Gospel with anyone you meet with if you practice these ideas to reach people. Make sure to use the following above principles and then REACH OUT.



This does not mean you cannot share Christ the rest of the week. It simply means that one day or night a week is wholly devoted to the ministry of soul-winning. If you cannot take an entire day, give the afternoon or the whole or part of the evening. Let nothing interfere with this time of soul winning. All week long, you can be putting aside prospects to visit. Jot them down on a card and keep them with you all week. By Friday, you will have plenty of people lined up to see. During the week, you can be praying for these prospects and building up momentum to win them.


You are nailing yourself down by taking on a steady partner or a Christian friend. Let it be understood that the two of you would visit on this specific day of each week? If you are tempted to skip visitation, the fact of the partner depending on you to go with them will produce an added effort on your part. At the same time, you will also be training or learning from your partner to become a soul-winner. Jesus sent the disciples out two by two into the towns and villages. While you do not have to be with somebody else to share the Gospel physically, it does provide courage, prayer support, and focus if you can go with somebody. Moral support and encouraging each other does help in successful soul-winning.

However, if you cannot have someone else standing next to you, have a Christian friend in any part of the world praying and holding you accountable.


You may want to increase this later, but to start out, don't overstep yourself. This could cause you to lose heart. The joy of winning souls will become an addiction and keep you going back. If you fail to win one or get to share that week, do not become discouraged. Remember that God wants to save them more than we want them saved.

4. Release Pre-Conceived Ideas.

In some cases, you'll try to share the Gospel and get shut down. In some cases, you will blunder your method and feel like a plumb idiot. Do not let these things prevent you or stop you from doing it again. This is all part of sharing the Gospel and is entirely normal! Sometimes you meet people you are communicating with who may not be very responsive and not very thrilled.

Keep in mind there are two parts to a harvest: sowing and reaping. Each time we share the Gospel, we spread seeds. Regardless of the response, we can keep sowing because we leave the results to the Lord. Remember Jesus and the New Testament Christians had people that rejected the message also.

a. God wants me to go, and He will bless me - Matthew. 28:19.
b. God is for me and will empower me as I go- Acts 1:8.
c. The Holy Spirit will convict them as I give them the Gospel - John 16:8.
d. Some soul is at stake, and I can change the course of their destiny - James 5:20.


- Make time in your schedule to do follow up.
- Make a time to go over their decision to accept Christ. Do not assume anything, but carefully going over what as happened.
Connect the person with other believers.

- Help them to understand what they believe
- Go over slowly again the new life in Christ. Point by point the Gospel.
Things to do with a new Christian the first 24 hours.
- Pray together.
- Fellowship together and go out for coffee, lunch, etc.


- Help them to believe in our loving and justice God.
- Help them to know about self and how we rebelled against a holy God.
- Help them to understand our hope in our Salvation through Christ.
Things to do with a new Christian the first week.
- Encourage new Christian to share their testimony with others. If possible go with them to support them. Or help them in preparing their testimony.
- Encourage the new Christian spend time with God praying and reading the Bible.
- Encourage them to have coffee with your Christian friends.
- Encourage the new Chrisitan to get into a small group with other Christians to grow and learn. If not possible with your Pastor's approval create one.

More detail on the same as the first week on sharing about God, Self, and Salvation.
Things to do with a new Christian the first month.
- Start praying for unsaved friends and if possible together try to share the Gospel with them.
- Encourage them in the area of Jesus's Lordship.
- Encourage the new Christian in joinging a Bible believing local church. Go together.
- Guide them into water baptism.


The idea is simply to ask if they would be interested in a short spiritual survey. Be ready to share the Gospel if the opportunity comes up in question 3. If people don't want to go that direction, that's okay, just complete the survey and ask if they'd wish to get together in the next few days to talk more about Jesus. If they say yes, take the initiative and leadership to follow up with them soon. If they say no, don't fret about it; just trust God. Learn to take the lead in the power of the Holy Spirit and trust the outcomes to God. Have fun with this simple tool! Download the Spiritual Survey here.

1. High, my name is ________________ and I am with _________________. Do you have a few seconds for a quick survey?

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, what is your current level of spiritual interest?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. What has been your experience with Christianity?

Look for an opening to share the Gospel if this question turns into a conversation.

4. Would you be interested in getting together for coffee or lunch later to talk more about all Jesus offers you?
a. If yes List:
i. Name:
ii. Phone Number:
b. If no, just skip to the end.

5. Thanks a ton for talking with us today! (Invite them to church)

Download Spiritual Interest Survey PDF or Download Spiritual Interest Survey Word



  1. 1. I conducted my sharing encounter with a:

_____ Friend                                _____ Co-Worker
_____ Family Member                 _____ Stranger

2. The type of this sharing encounter was a:

_____ Door-to-Door Sharing ______ Internet Sharing
_____ Servanthood Sharing _______Confrontational Sharing
_____ Lifestyle Sharing         _______ Public Sharing


  1. 3. I was able to give the following amount of the Gospel in my presentation:

_____ No Presentation, the other person declined
_____ Gave another person a gospel tract                                
_____ Partial presentation
_____ Full presentation
_____ Shared my testimony

  1. 4. What was the response of the other person?

_____ Accepted Christ
_____ Rejected the Gospel
_____ Appeared Interested
_____ Other

5. I learned the following from this encounter:






Download Sharing Handouts PDF or Download Sharing Handouts Word



Name Of People I Will Learn:  
Those I Will Call, Visit, Or Write:  
People I Will Invite Or Take Out:  

Download Set Sharing Goals PDF or Download Set Sharing Goals Word


Status: Acquaintance __ Family__ Vistor__
Pray for this Person Daily -Use Checklist Below
Sunday_ Monday_Tuesday_Wed._Thurs._Fri._Sat._
Demonstrate your Love for Them (List what you do)
Extend Invitation: Accepted_ Declined_ Already Attending_
Offer Them a New Bible (if they do not have one.) ___ (Yes or No)
Offer Them A Bible Study: Accepted___ Declined ___
Home Study __ Life Groups__ Cell Groups__ Study Groups__
Final Results: Not Interested__Taught_ Obeyed the Gospel_

Download Prospects List PDF or Download Prospects List Word








Awareness of Supreme Being but no Effective Knowledge of the Gospel






Initial Awareness of the Gospel






Awareness of the Fundamentals of the Gospel






Grasps the Implications of the Gospel






Positive Attitude toward the Gospel






Personal Problem Recognition






Decision to Act






Decision and Faith in Christ












Post decision






Incorporates into the Body






Conceptual and Behavioral Growth






Download Awareness Scale of the Gospel PDF or Download Awareness Scale of the Gospel Word


A 4 Minute Crash Course in Sharing Your Faith
Refresher on how to share the Gospel.

ASK - Questions - Love and listen to them.
- Find areas you can connect with.
- You were so messed up.

GOSPEL (Walk through the Gospel.)
G - God created us to be with Him.
O - Our sins separate us from God.
S - Sins cannot be removed by good deeds.
P - Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again.
E - Everyone who trusts in Him alone has eternal life.
L - Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.

Two questions you ask.
Does that make sense?
Is there anything holding you back right now from putting your faith in Jesus?

Next Study Guide - Chapter 16 -

PLEASE TELL YOUR STORY  Pray for opportunities and share your story with those individuals this week.

Fun Contest: we will pick one testimony to win a free Bible once a month.
Your testimony will be judged by its sincerity and thought that went into it. Everyone's story is important to God and us.
Join the Contest here.

( Recommend Printing Bookmark PDF To Use In Your Bible - Makes 4 Bible Bookmarks.)

(Keep a copy in your Bible.)
