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The Jews required to pay half a shekel to God as Ex 30:12-16.
Christ to avoid offence wrought a miracle to pay for himself and Peter Mt 17:24-27.
Kings of Israel
When oppressive frequently led to rebellion 1Ki 12:14-20.
Priests and Levites exempted from Ezr 7:24.
Decree of Augustus for. Lu 2:1.
First levied in Judea when Cyrenius was governor. Lu 2:2.
Persons enroled for, in the native place of their tribe and family. Lu 2:3-5.
Collected by the Publicans. Lu 3:12,13; 5:27.
Was paid in Roman coin. Mt 22:19,20.
Was resisted by the Galilaeans under Judas of Galilee. Ac 5:37; Lu 13:1.
Christ showed to the Pharisees and Herodians the propriety of paying. Mt 22:15-22; Mr 12:13-17.
Our Lord falsely accused of forbidding to pay. Ro 13:6,7.
Moses commanded to make two, for the tabernacle Nu 10:2.
Solomon made a great many, for the service of the temple 2Ch 5:12.
The priests to blow the sacred Nu 10:8; 2Ch 5:12; 7:6.
The feast of trumpets celebrated by blowing of Le 23:24; Nu 29:1.
The jubilee introduced by blowing of Le 25:9.
Miracles connected with
Falling of the walls of Jericho. Jos 6:20.
Heard at Mount Sinai at giving of the law. Ex 19:16; 20:18.
Confusion produced in the camp of the Midianites by sound of. Jdj 7:16,22.
The war-horse acquainted with the sound of Job 39:24,25.
Sounding of, illustrative of