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Torrey's New Topical Textbook
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Bondage, Spiritual.
Is to the devil
1Ti 3:7; 2Ti 2:26.
Is to the fear of death
Heb 2:14,15.
Is to sin
Joh 8:34; Ac 8:23; Ro 6:16; 7:23; Ga 4:3; 2Pe 2:19.
Deliverance from, promised
Isa 42:6,7.
Christ delivers from
Lu 4:18,21; Joh 8:36; Ro 7:24,24; Eph 4:8.
The gospel, the instrument of deliverance from
Joh 8:32; Ro 8:2.
Saints are delivered from
Ro 6:18,22.
Deliverance from, illustrated
De 4:20.
Israel in Egypt.
Ex 1:13,14.
Probable origin of
Job 19:23,24.
Made of
Papyrus or paper reed.
Isa 19:7.
2Ti 4:13.
Made in a roll
Isa 34:4; Jer 36:2; Eze 2:9.
Written with pen and ink
Jer 36:18; 3Jo 1:13.
Often written on both sides
Eze 2:10.
Often sealed
Isa 29:11; Da 12:4; Re 5:1.
Often dedicated to persons of distinction
Lu 1:3; Ac 1:1.
Were numerous and most expensive
Ac 19:19.
The ancients fond of making
Ec 12:12.
Divine communications recorded in
Ex 17:14; Isa 30:8; Jer 36:2; Re 1:19.
Important events recorded in
Ezr 4:15; 6:1,2; Es 2:23.
Erasures in, alluded to
Ex 32:33; Nu 5:23.
Not extant, but mentioned in scripture
Wars of the Lord.
Nu 21:14.
Jos 10:13; 2Sa 1:18.
Samuel concerning the kingdom.
1Sa 10:25.
Chronicles of David.
1Ch 27:24.
Acts of Solomon.
1Ki 11:41.
Natural history by Solomon.
1Ki 4:32,33.
History of the kings.
1Ch 9:1.
Samuel the seer.
1Ch 29:29.
1Ch 29:29; 2Ch 9:29.
2Ch 12:15.
Gad the seer.
1Ch 29:29.
Ahijah the Shilonite.
2Ch 9:29.
Visions of Iddo.
2Ch 9:29; 12:15.
Jehu the son of Hanani.
2Ch 20:34.
Sayings of the seers.
2Ch 33:19.
Illustrative of
Memorials of God's providence.
Ps 56:8; 139:16.
Memorials of conversation and conduct of men.
Da 7:10; Mal 3:16; Re 20:12.
The record of the church of Christ.
Da 12:1; Heb 12:23; Re 20:12,15; 22:19.
First mention of, in Scripture
Ge 21:14.
Ancients often drank from
Hab 2:15.
Used for holding
Ge 21:14,15,19.
Jdj 4:19.
1Sa 1:24; 16:20.
Some, made of earthenware
Jer 19:1.
Made of skins
Shrivelled and dried by smoke.
Ps 119:83.
Marred by age and use.
Jos 9:14,13.
When old, unfit for holding new wine.
Mt 9:17; Mr 2:22.
Sometimes probably of large dimensions.
1Sa 25:18; 2Sa 16:1.
Of the clouds.
Job 38:37.
Of God's remembrance.
Ps 56:8.
Of sinners ripe for judgment.
Jer 13:12-14.
(Dried up,) of the afflicted.
Ps 119:83.
(Ready to burst,) of the impatient.
Job 32:19.
(Broken,) of severe judgments.
Isa 30:14; Jer 19:10; 48:12.
Bow, The.
An instrument of war
Ge 48:22; Isa 7:24.
Sometimes used in hunting
Ge 27:3.
For shooting arrows
1Ch 12:2.
Called the battle bow
Zec 9:10; 10:4.
Those who used, called
Jer 4:29.
1Sa 31:3; Jer 51:3.
Usually of steel
2Sa 22:35; Job 20:24.
Held in the left hand
Eze 39:3.
Drawn with full force
2Ki 9:24.
The Jews taught to use
2Sa 1:18.
Used expertly by
Jer 46:9.
Jer 49:35.
1Sa 31:2,3.
Sons of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh.
1Ch 5:18.
1Ch 12:2; 2Ch 14:8.
Given as a token of friendship
1Sa 18:4.
Often furnished by the state
2Ch 26:14.
Of the vanquished, broken and burned
Ps 37:15; Eze 39:9.
Of strength and power.
Job 29:20.
Of the tongue of the wicked.
Ps 11:2; Jer 9:3.
(When deceitful,) of the hypocrite.
Ps 78:57; Ho 7:16.
(When broken,) of the overthrow of power.
1Sa 2:4; Jer 49:35; Ho 1:5; 2:18.
Brass, or Copper.
Dug out of the mountains
De 8:9.
Purified by smelting
Job 28:2.
Characterised by
Job 40:18.
Le 26:19.
Yellow colour.
Ezr 8:27.
Eze 22:18,20.
1Co 13:1.
Takes a high polish
2Ch 4:16; Eze 1:7.
Inferior in value to gold and silver
Isa 60:17; Da 2:32,39.
Antiquity of working in
Ge 4:22.
Extensive commerce in
Eze 27:13; Re 18:12.
Working in, a trade
Ge 4:22; 1Ki 7:14; 2Ch 24:12; 2Ti 4:14.
Canaan abounded in
De 8:9; 33:25.
Taken in war
Often in great quantities.
Jos 22:8; 2Sa 8:8; 2Ki 25:13-16.
Cleansed by fire.
Nu 31:21-23.
Generally consecrated to God.
Jos 6:19,24; 2Sa 8:10,11.
Offerings of, for the tabernacle
Ex 38:29.
Collected by David for the temple
1Ch 22:3,14,16; 29:2.
Offerings of, for the temple
1Ch 29:6,7.
Coined for money
Mt 10:9; Mr 12:41.
Made into
Ex 38:8.
Ps 107:16; Isa 45:2.
Bars for gates.
1Ki 4:13.
Jdj 16:21; 2Ki 25:7.
1Ki 14:27; 2Ch 12:10.
1Sa 17:5.
Greaves for the legs.
1Sa 17:6.
Household vessels.
Mr 7:4.
Sacred vessels.
Ex 27:3; 1Ki 7:45.
Ex 27:2; 39:39.
Sockets for pillars.
Ex 38:10,11,17.
Ex 30:18; 1Ki 7:38.
1Ki 7:15,16.
Da 5:4; Re 9:20.
Instruments of music.
1Ch 15:19.
Moses made the serpent of
Nu 21:9; 2Ki 18:4.
Illustrative of
Obstinate sinners.
Isa 48:4; Jer 6:28.
The decrees of God.
Zec 6:1.
The strength and firmness of Christ.
Da 10:6; Re 1:15.
Strength given to saints.
Jer 15:20; Mic 4:13.
Macedonian empire.
Da 2:39.
Extreme drought.
De 28:23.
The earth made barren.
Le 26:19.
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