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Torrey's New Topical Textbook
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Christ assailed with
Mt 10:25; Lu 22:64,65; 1Pe 4:14.
Charged upon Christ
Mt 9:2,3; 26:64,65; Joh 10:33,36.
Charged upon saints
Ac 6:11,13.
Proceeds from the heart
Mt 15:19.
Ex 20:7; Col 3:8.
The wicked addicted to
Ps 74:18; Isa 52:5; 2Ti 3:2; Re 18:11,21.
Idolatry counted as
Isa 65:7; Eze 20:27,28.
Hypocrisy counted as
Re 2:9.
Saints grieved to hear
Ps 44:15,16; 74:10,18,22.
Gives no occasion for
2Sa 12:14; 1Ti 6:1.
Against the Holy Spirit, unpardonable
Mt 12:31,32.
Connected with folly and pride
2Ki 19:22; Ps 74:18.
Punishment of
Le 24:16; Isa 65:7; Eze 20:27-33; 35:11,12.
The Danite.
Le 24:11.
2Ki 19:4,10,22.
The Jews.
Lu 22:65.
1Ti 1:20.
Blessed, The.
Whom God chooses
Ps 65:4; Eph 1:3,4.
Whom God calls
Isa 51:2; Re 19:9.
Who know Christ
Mt 16:16,17.
Who know the gospel
Ps 89:15.
Who are not offended at Christ
Mt 11:6.
Who believe
Lu 1:45; Ga 3:9.
Whose sins are forgiven
Ps 32:1,2; Ro 4:7.
To whom God imputes righteousness without works
Ro 4:6-9.
Whom God chastens
Job 5:17; Ps 94:12.
Who suffer for Christ
Lu 6:22.
Who have the Lord for their God
Ps 144:15.
Who trust in God
Ps 2:12; 34:8; 40:4; 84:12; Jer 17:7.
Who fear God
Ps 112:1; 128:1,4.
Who hear and keep the word of God
Ps 119:2; Jas 1:24; Mt 13:16; Lu 11:28; Re 1:3; 22:7.
Who delight in the commandments of God
Ps 112:1.
Who keep the commandments of God
Re 22:14.
Who wait for the Lord
Isa 30:18.
Whose strength is in the Lord
Ps 84:5.
Who hunger and thirst after righteousness
Mt 5:6.
Who frequent the house of God
Ps 65:4; 84:5.
Who avoid the wicked
Ps 1:1.
Who endure temptation
Jas 1:12.
Who watch against sin
Re 16:15.
Who rebuke sinners
Pr 24:25.
Who watch for the Lord
Lu 12:37.
Who die in the Lord
Re 14:13.
Who have part in the first resurrection
Re 20:6.
Who favour saints
Ge 12:3; Ru 2:10.
The undefiled
Ps 119:1.
The pure in heart
Mt 5:8.
The just
Ps 106:3; 10:6.
The children of the just
Pr 20:7.
The righteous
Ps 5:12.
The generation of the upright
Ps 112:2.
The faithful
Pr 28:20.
The poor in spirit
Mt 5:3.
The meek
Mt 5:5.
The merciful
Mt 5:7.
The bountiful
De 15:10; Ps 41:1; Pr 22:9; Lu 14:13,14.
The peace-makers
Mt 5:9.
Holy mourners
Mt 5:4; Lu 6:21.
Saints at the judgment day
Mt 25:34.
Who shall eat bread in the kingdom of God
Lu 14:15; Re 19:9.
Blindness, Spiritual.
Joh 1:5; 1Co 2:14.
The effect of sin
Isa 29:10; Mt 6:23; Joh 3:19,20.
Unbelief, the effect of
Ro 11:8; 2Co 4:3,4.
Uncharitableness, a proof of
1Jo 2:9,11.
A work of the devil
2Co 4:4.
Leads to all evil
Eph 4:17-19.
Is consistent with communion with God
1Jo 1:6,7.
Of ministers, fatal to themselves and to the people
Mt 15:14.
The wicked are in
Ps 82:5; Jer 5:21.
The self-righteous are in
Mt 23:19,26; Re 3:17.
The wicked wilfully guilty of
Isa 26:11; Ro 1:19-21.
Judicially inflicted
Ps 69:23; Isa 29:10; 44:18; Mt 13:13,14; Joh 12:40.
Pray for the removal of
Ps 13:3; 119:18.
Christ appointed to remove
Isa 42:7; Lu 4:18; Joh 8:12; 9:39; 2Co 4:6.
Christ's ministers are lights to remove
Mt 5:14; Ac 26:18.
Saints are delivered from
Joh 8:12; Eph 5:8; Col 1:13; 1Th 5:4,5; 1Pe 2:9.
Removal of, illustrated
Joh 9:7,11,25; Ac 9:18; Re 3:18.
Ro 11:25; 2Co 3:15.
Scribes and Pharisees.
Mt 23:16,24.
Churches of Laodicea.
Re 3:17.
The life of animals
Ge 9:4; Le 17:11,14.
De 12:16.
2Ki 3:22; Joe 2:31.
Of all men the same
Ac 17:26.
Eating of, forbidden to
Man after the flood.
Ge 9:4.
The Israelites under the law.
Le 3:17; 17:10,12.
The early Christians.
Ac 15:20,29.
The Jews often guilty of eating
1Sa 14:32,33; Eze 33:25.
Of animals slain for good to be poured on the earth and covered
Le 17:13; De 12:16,24.
Birds of prey delight in
Job 39:30.
Beasts of prey delight in
Nu 23:24; Ps 68:23.
Shedding of human
Ge 9:5.
Hateful to God.
Pr 6:16,17.
Defiling to the land.
Ps 106:38.
Defiling to the person.
Isa 59:3.
Jews often guilty of.
Jer 22:17; Eze 22:4.
Always punished.
Ge 9:6.
Mode of clearing those accused of.
De 21:1-9.
The price of, not to be consecrated
Mt 27:6.
Of legal sacrifices
For atonement.
Ex 30:10; Le 17:11.
For purification.
Heb 9:13,19-22.
How disposed of.
Ex 29:12; Le 4:7.
Not offered with leaven.
Ex 23:18; 34:25.
Ineffectual to remove sin.
Heb 10:4.
Idolaters made drink-offerings of
Ps 16:4.
Water turned into, as a sign
Ex 4:30.
Waters of Egypt turned into, as a judgment
Ex 7:17-21.
(Washing the feet in,) of victories.
Ps 58:10; 68:23.
(Building with,) of oppression and cruelty.
Hab 2:12.
(Preparing to,) of ripening for destruction.
Eze 35:6.
(On one's own head,) of guilt.
Le 20:9; 2Sa 1:16; Eze 18:13.
(Given to drink,) of severe judgments.
Eze 16:38; Re 16:6.
Boldness, Holy.
Christ set an example of
Joh 7:26.
Is through faith in Christ
Eph 3:12; Heb 10:19.
A characteristic of saints
Pr 28:1.
Produced by
Trust in God.
Isa 50:7.
The fear of God.
Ac 4:19; 5:29.
Faithfulness to God.
1Ti 3:13.
Express your trust in God with
Heb 13:6.
Have, in prayer
Eph 3:12; Heb 4:16.
Saints shall have, in judgment
1Jo 4:17.
Exhortations to
Jos 1:7; 2Ch 19:11; Jer 1:8; Eze 3:9.
Pray for
Ac 4:29; Eph 6:19,20.
Ministers should exhibit, in
Faithfulness to their people.
2Co 7:4; 10:1.
Ac 4:31; Php 1:14.
Reproving sin.
Isa 58:1; Mic 3:8.
The face of opposition.
Ac 13:46; 1Th 2:2.
Ge 18:22-32.
Ge 32:24-29.
Ex 32:31,32; 33:18.
Nu 16:47,48.
1Sa 17:45.
1Ki 18:15,18.
Ne 6:11.
Da 3:17,18.
Da 6:10.
Joseph of Arimathaea.
Mr 15:43.
Peter and John.
Ac 4:8-13.
Ac 7:51.
Ac 9:27,29; 19:8.
Ac 14:3.
Ac 18:26.
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