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Not to be coveted. Ex 20:17.
Fallen under a burden, to be assisted. Ex 23:5.
Astray, to be brought back to its owners. Ex 23:4; De 22:1.
Astray, to be taken care of till its owner appeared. De 22:2,3.
Not to be yoked with an ox. De 22:10.
To enjoy the rest of the Sabbath. De 5:14.
First-born of, if not redeemed, to have its neck broken. Ex 13:13; 34:20.
Christ entered Jerusalem on. Zec 9:9; Joh 12:14.
Miracles connected with
Mouth of Balaam's opened to speak. Nu 22:28; 2Pe 2:16.
A thousand men slain by Samson with a jaw-bone of. Jdj 15:19.
Water brought from the jaw-bone of. Jdj 15:19.
Not torn by a lion. 1Ki 13:28.
Eaten during famine in Samaria. 2Ki 6:25.